Chapter 51

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I couldn't believe it, I had a fiance. One who I'm desperately in love with, one who I hadn't even kissed until yesterday.

One who is the best mother my son could ever have.

After a quick shower we had collapsed into bed, my heart never feeling more full. Her damp hair tickles my chest as I stroke her back lightly. "I never knew it could be like this." She whispers.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously, she lifts her head and her beautiful big brown eyes look up at me.

"How we fell in love without actually being together...." Angel pauses as her eyes go wide, "You were planning on proposing before we ever even kissed weren't you?"

"I heard Ari ask Santa for a real family and it broke my heart, it also made me realize that I couldn't seen myself having a family with anyone other then you so I decided it would be worth the risk." I reply looking down at her.

"What if I had said no?"

"You didn't, thank God." I sigh before running my fingers up her spine, "I would of kept asking. I would of wooed your socks off baby." I smirk and she giggles, the sound like music to my ears. "There is not other woman I'd want wearing my mother's ring, no other woman I'd want to spend the rest of my life with. When you walked back into my life six months ago, you were like a breath of fresh air. How persistent you were not to take anything from me even with my insistence, how you never used me or my name to get ahead. How you still work and go to school knowing fully well that I'm willing and able to take care of you. You couldn't be any different from your mother and that's exactly what I needed." I go on as she looks up at me adoringly.

"I think it's rather unique and lovely, how we both fell in love so organically without lust fogging our sense." She says and I cock my brow, "Ok well maybe a little bit at first when we were still testing the waters and teasing each other." Angel confesses, "But I can't see myself with anyone other then you Harry." She whimpers as she runs her fingertips across my jawline, "I love you."

Angel says softly before kissing me, my right hand tangles in her hair while the other splays across her lower back pressing her naked body against mine as our lips mold together. She parts her legs so she's straddling me as she bites softly at my lower lip, I moan and she slips her tongue against mine as she grinds her hips against me. Her bare core grazes my hardening arousal as I return her kisses feverishly.

Suddenly there is pounding coming from the front door downstairs, "Angel get your ass dressed and talk to me!" Her best friend's voice shouts and I chuckle against her lips.

"I think you're in trouble baby."

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