Chapter 56

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"Are you having a good time?"

"Of course I am Harry," Angel replies as her nails rake across the back of my neck causing me to bite my lip. She presses her lips against mine, they taste like her Malibu pineapple and I can't get enough of them. She moans against my lips as my hands roam over her perfect ass, she's killing me tonight especially in this dress. It makes her dance legs look amazing and hugs her ass just right, it's also so short I could hike it up and bend her over this-

"Angel?" A voice breaks us out of our heated moment and I sigh as she turns towards the owner.

"Xander?" She gasps, I pull her back against me and look over her shoulder to see her ex boyfriend standing in front of us looking like complete shit. My tabloid ran some stories about him and I didn't care, he was out of Angel's life so I told them to go at it. I guess he played a shitty post season and was released from his contract, the weight of fucking his mother and cheating on a woman as amazing as Angel must of been weighing on him.

"You look good Angel." He smiles and I already want to put my fit through his face...


"Really good." He adds as he looks down her body, I wrap my arms around her even more and she smiles back at me. "Sorry, I'm Xander." He says holding his hand out to me.

"Seriously?" I ask with my brow cocked and he furrows his brows.

"Harry?" He asks and I chuckle, "Didn't recognize you without the long hair. So you two are together?" Xander asks Angel and I go to answer but she beats me to it.

"Engaged actually, he proposed this morning." She replies as she looks back and smiles at me.

"So I was right then, you just went running into his arms after all the shit he did to me?" He growls and I laugh.

"All I did was tell her the truth about you." I snap.

"Actually I didn't just run into his arms Xander, I've been focusing on Ariel and my schooling but also managed to fall in love with him over the last five months." Angel corrects him and I nuzzle my nose against her neck before placing a soft kiss.

"So you're really going to marry your ex-stepfather?" He asks and she nods.

"Better then being with someone who fucks his own mother." I shrug, Xander clenches his jaw as he glares at me.

"I'm not, not that it matters. I didn't know and once I confronted her she had no clue either so we both agreed to stop seeing each other." He explains and I roll my eyes.

"Cool story bro." I smirk as Angel jabs me in the gut.

"I hope you find happiness Xander, I really do." She says kindly.

"Yea, well good luck with the wedding and shit." He replies before sulking away towards an extremely drunk Clarissa.

"Sweet, two birds with one stone babe."

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