★ | 007. blood brothers

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Book: Locked Away
Chapter 7: Blood Brothers
Word Count: 3052

Damon Salvatore day at the quarry, his body weak as he stared at the lake in front of him

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Damon Salvatore day at the quarry, his body weak as he stared at the lake in front of him. He knew he was going to die. He wasn't going to become a vampire. He had made his choice. He heard a rustling come from beside him and looked up, seeing a newly transitioned vampire dragging a girl behind him. "What are you doing? Who is that?"

"I brought her for you. She's a gift. Have a seat, please." Stefan smirked evilly, pushing the girl down.

Damon looked at his little brother horrified, "what have you done, Stefan?"

"Damon, I've been to see father. He came at me. I didn't know my own strength. There was blood everywhere. He was dying, and the blood was too strong. I needed it. I had to have it."

Damon felt himself overcome with disappointment. "You fed."

"Yes. And it's incredible. My body is exploding with power, Damon." Stefan exclaimed excitedly, "I can hear things from far away. I can see through the darkness. I can move, like it's magic. And the guilt, the pain... Damon, I can turn it off. Like a switch. Katherine was right. It's a whole another world out there, Damon."

"I don't care, Stefan! Xander is dead. I saw them drag him into the tomb and they lit it on fire. There's no world without him. I can't live without him." Damon sobbed, feeling his heart break all over again. The love of his life was dead.

"No. You can turn that off, too. You don't have to feel that pain anymore."

Stefan pushed the girl towards Damon but he stayed strong and shook his head, "I don't want it."

Stefan scoffed, "you're weak. You'll be dead soon. You need this."


"You'll die."

"No. I can't."

"Please. I won't let you die."

"No. I can't."

"Don't fight it. We can do this...together."

And with that, Damon was forced to drink the blood of the girl, becoming something he didn't want to. If he only he knew then that Alexander Grayson was alive and rotting away in a tomb.

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"It's so hard to see him locked up like this."

Xander looked away from Stefan as Elena spoke. The younger Salvatore hasn't been doing to good. His skin was pale and he hadn't said a word to anyone since they locked him up. Each day, Xander's guilt would raise but he kept reminding himself that this was helping Stefan. That's all Xander wanted to do. Was to get his best friend back.

locked away, the vampire diaries Where stories live. Discover now