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Book: Locked Away
Chapter 17: Rose
Word Count: 4139

Book: Locked AwayChapter 17: RoseWord Count: 4139

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"This has Katherine written all over it." Stefan snarled. Elena had gone missing after the masquerade ball and no one had a clue where she was. Of course Stefan's first thought was to blame Katherine but that was impossible, Katherine was still locked up in the tomb.

Xander groaned, running his hand through his hair. They had finally dealt with Katherine and he had been looking forward to doing things that didn't involve a plan. He just wanted to wing it. Maybe go and see Liam again or explore Mystic Falls. It's crazy he had yet to do that even though he'd been out of the tomb for a while now. Was that to much to ask for? "It can't be her, Stef. I know better than anyone that there's no way out of that tomb."

"She's in the tomb, period." Damon said, annoyed that his little brother thought they hadn't done what they said they did. "End of story but she did say something to me right before we shut her in. I thought she was lying."

"What did she say?" Stefan asked wide eyes, looking between them and wondering why neither of them had told him this sooner. Xander tensed up and frowned as he remembered what the evil doppelgänger had said before they had locked her away but there was no way she was telling the truth. Not the one time where she could've actually been helping them. He couldn't think that.

"She said that Elena was in danger." Xander said softly, bracing himself for a very angry Stefan. He knew it was coming by the way his eyes narrowed and he glared at the two. 

"What? And you didn't think you should ask her to elaborate?"

"Everything she says is a lie." Damon groaned, throwing up his hands. "How am I supposed to know if she's gonna start spouting out the truth?"

"We have to go talk to her." Stefan commanded, walking around them and towards the door.

Xander and Damon quickly followed up as Damon tried to stop his erratic brother. "No, no. Let me tell you how that's gonna go, we're gonna go ask her for help, she's gonna negotiate her release which we're gonna be dumb enough to give her and she's gonna get out and kill us! This is exactly what she wants!"

"Damon's right, Stefan. How are we supposed to believe anything she says? No one can tell when she's telling the truth or lying through her teeth." Xander tried to reason. Even if they did go see her, he really doubted she was going to be any help. She'd probably lie to them to get her release and than leave town or maybe she would stay to terrorise them some more.

"I don't really care." Stefan snapped, going to move again and feeling his blood boil when he was stopped once again by Damon. Xander could see he was two seconds away from forcibly removing the raven haired vampire.

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