★ | 014. kill or be killed

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Book: Locked Away
Chapter 14: Kill Or Be Killed
Word Count: 2549

"This is all part of the historical society, continuing efforts to give back to the community

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"This is all part of the historical society, continuing efforts to give back to the community. Thanks to the generous donation of the Fell family. We are now standing on the sight of our newest public park. Thank you to everyone who has shown up today to lend a helping hand. Thanks."

Carol Lockwood spoke but Xander was hardly listening. He was at some Mystic Falls society thing and he wasn't actually having that bad of a time. He was painting some wood with Liam and the human had been non stop saying 'dad' jokes as he called it. Xander loved them and found them hilarious.

Stefan has ended up dragging him away, stating they needed to talk to Mason Lockwood. Why Xander needed to be included in this conversation, he had no idea. "Wait, first listen to this. What did the bug chimney say to the little chimney?" He paused, seeing if Stefan new the answer. "You're to young to smoke! Get it? Because it was a little chimney."

"That was one of the worst jokes I have ever heard."

Xander pouted, "I thought it was pretty funny. I guess you just don't sense of humour."

Stefan held back a smile as they approached Mason who was removing some boxes from his truck. When the werewolf saw them, he paused, "Stefan right? The other Salvatore and you must be Xander?" When Xander looked at him confused, wondering his he knew he added, "I heard Damon talking about you the other night."

"Well, I'm the nice one. The one offering an apology." Stefan stated.

Mason rolled his eyes at the Salvatore, obviously not believing him one bit. "Not interested."

Stefan sighed, "look, my brother acted impulsively."

Xander scoffed under his breath, "when doesn't he act impulsively." He mumbled but both vampire and werewolf heard him.

Mason looked away from Xander and back to Stefan, "you think?"

"If you and Damon keep at each other throats, somebody innocent is going to get hurt and I don't want that. You have family here so I can imagine you'd want that either. So what do you say we just quit the whole alpha male fighting thing and call a truce?"

"I made that same offer to your brother. He turned it down with a knife."

"He made a mistake. I'm here to make sure that neither one of you make another one."

Mason stepped forward, a threatening look in his eyes that didn't intimidate either of the vampires, "tell your brother to watch his back."

As he went to turn around, Stefan snatched his arm, halting him, "well, I'm guessing that he only has to worry about that during a full moon. Otherwise you're not as strong, am I right? Or you would have killed Damon by now. There's one of you. There's three of us. I think you're the one that needs to watch his back."

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