★ | 001. fool me once

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Book: Locked Away
Chapter 1: Fool Me Once
Word Count: 2240

Book: Locked AwayChapter 1: Fool Me OnceWord Count: 2240

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The horse stables came into view. Alexander Grayson grinned widely, feeling happiness enter him. He looked around, making sure no one was following him and after seeing that the coast was clear, he opened the stable door and swiftly went in. His eyes moved around the barn, a frown forming on his lips when he couldn't see the person he had been expecting. He had never been late before. Neither of them ever had. He walked forward, turning his head as a horse snorted next to him. He smiled at the brown horse with a white star on the top of its head, bringing his hand up and patting its snout. The horse whinnied under his hand, obviously enjoying the affection.

A pair of arms suddnely made there way around his waist and he jumped in fright, quickly turning around, only to come face to face with his boyfriend. "Didn't mean to scare you." Damon Salvatore remarked, a smirk on his lips and the most beautiful pair of blue eyes looking at him,

Xander scoffed and shrugged it off, trying to make out like he wasn't. "I wasn't scared." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Damon laughed bringing another smile to Xander's lips. His laugh could always do that. Just the sound of Damon being happy made Xander feel like he was on top of the world. "Sure you won't." Damon teased, pulling Xander closer.

Xander shook his head, glaring playfully. "Just shut up and kiss me." He demanded.

"With pleasure." Damon moved forward, brushing there lips together. Xander wound his hand around to the back of his boyfriends head and ran his fingers through his raven black hair. He wished he could do this whenever he wanted, wherever. Unfortunatly if they did do this in public they would be thrown in jail or worse... death.

Xander had known he was in love with Damon the minute he laid his eyes on the gorgeous man and of course these feeling scared him. Terrified him. He just hoped for a time where he could hold his hand without fear. Hug him and kiss him. He just hoped he wouldn't have to wait to long.

▼ ▲ ▼ ▲

"Air. Earth. Fire." Sheila Bennett spoke, lighting each flame along wih each word.

Damon felt his chest clench with anticipation. For the first time in a long time he was truly excited and nervous. He stood inside of the Mystic Falls Church ruins. The exact same ruins he had seen the love of his life go into and never come out of. He didn't pay attention to his brother Stefan, or his girlfriend Elena. His attention was solely focused on the two Bennett witches in front of him. Making sure they were doing everything in there power to get the seal taken down from the tomb.

"Water." Bonnie Bennett added, handing her grandmother a bottle of tap water. Damon watched carefully as the old woman sprinkled it on the ground.

He tried to keep himself from bouncing on his feet in excitement. He didn't want the others to see just how happy this was making him. He was also readying himself for the worst. He had been let down more then once in his long life and if the witches did anything to prevent him from getting inside that tomb then they wouldn't be leaving alive. His hand tugged into the pocket of his leather jacket, wrapping his hand around the thing that was going to wake Xander up. Just thinking of the name brought shivers of happiness to the vampire.

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