★ | 011. brave new world

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Book: Locked Away
Chapter 11: Brave New World
Word Count: 4146

Xander was laying in bed still, the covers pulled up above his head

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Xander was laying in bed still, the covers pulled up above his head. He still hadn't gotten out of bed and he didn't want to. He was still so upset and he felt himself feeling immense regret. He wanted Damon so badly. He wanted to take back everything that had happened last night.

"Xander? Come on, you gotta get up sometime." Stefan said after entering the room. He sighed when he saw the boy hadn't made a move and walked over to the bed, sitting down on the spare side. He knew what had happened between him and Damon. He had heard it and he knew how Xander must be feeling right now. "Xander? I know you're upset. Just talk to me."

Xander blinked, slowly pulling the blanket down from his head and staring at his best friend, his eyes red and tired from lack of sleep. "Do you think I made a mistake?" He asked in a small voice as if afraid of the answer.

Stefan sighed, not wanting to say the wrong thing. "That's up to you to decide Xander."

Xander sniffled, rolling over to place his face in the pillow and groaning. "I don't know what to do!" He voice was muffled by the pillow as he yelled before turning back over. "My heart is telling me to just forgive Damon and my head is saying not to... I hate being lied to, Stefan and do you know what's it's like to trust someone with everything in you and then find out that they lied to you?"

Before Stefan could speak, Xander continued, "I was so angry last night. I wasn't even thinking before I spoke. I just had so much anger built up from Damon and I just exploded."

"You have a right to be mad Xander. Damon lied to you and you don't deserve that. He wasn't thinking." Stefan said. "And something else happened last night..."

"Oh god. What happened?" Xander groaned, rubbing his forehead.

"After the fight, Damon went over to Elena's. He was really angry and he... he killed Jeremy—"

"He what?!" Xander cut him off with wide eyes.

"Jeremy's okay. He was wearing John's ring and it brought him back to life. Damon must have seen it." Stefan explained, though the last part, he looked a little doubtful. "He was just upset about you breaking up with him."

"I-I didn't break up with him. We're on a break. That's two different things, isn't it?" Xander questioned confused. "Like, breaking up means the relationship is over but I don't want that for me and Damon... I just wanted some time to think about things before we talked about everything."

"Oh..." Stefan trailed off. "I don't think that's the way Damon sees it."

"I have to talk to him. I shouldn't— we should've talked. I-I need to find him." Xander stood up, still dressed in his pjs.

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