★ | 006. miss mystic falls

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Book: Locked Away
Chapter 6: Miss Mystic Falls
Word Count: 3131

"I suppose I should be grateful, you learned how to use the bell

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"I suppose I should be grateful, you learned how to use the bell."

It was the first thing Xander heard when he walked down the steps of the boarding house. He furrowed his eyebrows as he walked towards the front door. Damon, being the first person Xander saw and... Anna being the second. Xander frowned crossing his arms over his chest, remembering the last encounter he had with her, which consisted of him getting his neck snapped and Damon getting his eyes gouged out.

"I'm here on behalf of my mother." Anna said with a roll her eyes before pushing past Damon and walked straight into the house unwelcomed. She caught sight of Xander and she smirked, lifting her hand and waving a him. "Hey Xander. Have you missed me?"

"Not really no." Xander stated honestly, walking to stand next to Damon but still keeping his distance from the female vampire.

Anna huffed, glaring at the Grayson boy. "Look I'm sorry about what the other vampires did to you and Stefan. Abducting you, torturing you... It wasn't supposed to go down like that."

The reminder of what happened to his boyfriend and brother made Damon want to kill her. To rip out her heart and for him and Xander to laugh about it. Unfortunately that couldn't happen. Not yet at least. "You're playing house with half of a tomb of really pissed off vampires. What do you think was going to happen?"

"My mom is devastated; they tried to over throw her." Anna tried but she wasn't earning any sympathy points from either vampire.

"Why isn't she here telling us this?"

Anna shrugged at Damon's question. "She doesn't really do apologies."

"Well, it's a coincidence, 'cause I don't do forgiveness. Just run along. And if you're going continue playing house with these little vampires pets, you might wanna stop robbing the blood bank dry because they're onto it."

Anna shook her head in denial. "I haven't been to the local blood bank in at least a week."

"Then it must be one of the others." Xander piped up because it wasn't him or Damon and Stefan said it wasn't him either.

"The others are gone, Xander. They weren't cut out for this town. After what happened with you and Stefan my mom kicked them out and they took off. It's just us and Harper now."

Damon and Xander shared a look. The only thing that went through Xander's head was, did Stefan lie to them?

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As soon as Stefan was home Damon was the first to walk up to him and start with the questioning, "how was school?"

Stefan looked at him suspiciously as Damon had never shown an interest in his schooling before. "Fine."

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