★ | 024. the dinner party

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Book: Locked Away
Chapter 24: The Dinner Party
Word Count: 3412

"Other than your lecture on the history of Mystic Falls, did you get anything out of Elijah?" Damon questioned the history teacher across from him

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"Other than your lecture on the history of Mystic Falls, did you get anything out of Elijah?" Damon questioned the history teacher across from him. Alaric had interrupted Elijah and Jenna when Jenna was showing the original some old history sites.

"No, it was boring." Alaric's huffed, his eyes narrowed into a glare and a look of jealousy overcoming him. "Of course, Jenna thinks he's charming."

Damon snickered, "you sounded jealous. Sound a bit jealous?" He asked, looking over at Xander who gave him a look and stayed silent.

Alaric pursed his lips. "He also asked me about Xander." He added, making Damon's playful expression disappear. "He seems to have an interest in you."

Xander cleared his throat uncomfortable. Elijah was not a subject he liked to talk about. "No, he doesn't. He's just... he must be using me in some sort of plan." That had to be it.

"I just need the right opportunity." Damon mumbled, the image of him killing Elijah entering his mind. He wanted to keep the original as far away from Xander as he could. His eyes caught sight of a two new presences that entered the Mystic Grill. "Ah, there's Jenna with her new boyfriend." Elijah and Jenna walked over to them. "Hi." He said with venom when he looked at Elijah.

Xander smiled tightly when he met Elijah's eyes. He hoped Elijah didn't have some sick plan to try and get close to him, thinking he would give him information or anything.

"So I hear you two had quite a meeting of historical minds today." Damon continued.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Jenna laughed lightly, sending a happy look towards Elijah.

Alaric was the exchange and his jealousy raised. He got up from the seat. "Well, as much as I'd like to continue this, I've got papers to grade." He put some money on the table to pay for his drink.

Damon nudged Xander discreetly under the table and the younger vampire sighed before putting on the fakest smile he had ever done. "Don't leave yet. Why don't you come back to our house. We could have a dinner party!" He spoke the rehearsed words Damon had told him to say.

"Ooh, my boy. Full of good ideas." Damon bit his lip and put his arm over Xander's shoulder, making sure Elijah was watching. "I'll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?"

Alaric started off hesitant, not knowing what the two were planning. "I don't know if tonight works..." He trailed off but when Jenna and Elijah both agreed to go, he felt himself backed into a corner and reluctantly agreed to go as well.

"Great." The look in Damon's eyes said it all. He had a plan and he was going to kill Elijah.

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