Chapter 12

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The next morning


(AN: Listen to this song while you're reading the chapter.)

My alarm clock beeped. I hit the snooze button. I can't believe it's already 6am. I still can't believe how I finally admitted to Jordan about what I went through with Duff. This date wasn't like our other unofficial dates. Both of us admitted some of the pains that we went through from our exes. I got up and I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and I took a quick shower. I put on my robe and I walked to the kitchen. I poured myself a cup of coffee and I decided to eat a bagel for breakfast. Hannah entered the kitchen. "Morning, Hannah." I said to her.

She didn't say anything. She poured coffee in her mug and she also decided to eat a bagel for breakfast. She kept staring at me. She was drinking her coffee.

"Okay, Hannah." I said. "What's with the silent treatment? I don't have time for your drama this morning. If you've got something to say, just say it." She was still quiet. I was starting to get frustrated. "Hannah, talk." I demanded.

Hannah finally started to talk

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Hannah finally started to talk. "How was your unofficial date last night?"

"It was fine." I replied. I don't see what the big deal is.

"So, is the guy hot?" She asked me.

"Yes, he is. He's very attractive." I replied.

"Would you say he is a great kisser?" She asked another question.

"Yes. What's with the third degree, Hannah?" I told you the last time that I'm going out with a guy, but we are not putting a label on the relationship yet."

"So, where did you go on your unofficial date?" Hannah could be a detective. She doesn't stop with her questions.

"I don't see how this concerns you, but we went to his place and we had dinner there." I said.

"It concerns me because my best friend neglected to tell me the fact that she is going on unofficial dates with the one and only Jordan Knight or unless he has an identical brother that I don't know about." Hannah exclaimed.

"Hannah, how do you know about this?" I started to panic.

"I saw you last night. I was buying noodles from the store that is across from your work. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I couldn't believe that my best friend was making out with Jordan Knight." Hannah announced.

"Hannah, look-" Hannah interrupted me.

"I thought about approaching you, but that would have been kind of hard to do, since you two were so wrapped up in each other. I've never seen a couple kiss with that much passion. You two were in your own world. I can't believe this was what you were hiding from me for almost an entire month. Amanda Susan Johnson, you are a very lucky girl. You have definitely upgraded from Duff. I'm very happy for you. Is he everything that you imagined him to be? He must be perfect." Hannah said.

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