Lost and Found

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     After a while of Edd yelling things like "Hey Tord! " and " Look over here its me! " the guy looked over at Edd and walked up to him. It turns out that it wasn't Tord and it was a random guy that looked like Tord.

 " Oh . . . uh I thought you were a friend I knew . . . s~s ~sorry. " Edd stuttered

" Oh it's ok this normally happens .  . . sometimes. "

 " Once again sorry I really thought you were Tor . . " Edd stopped himself before saying his name " Never mind about what I said and what I was about to say" Edd started to walk off but before he could get any further he was stopped by the guy grabbing onto his arm. The guy started to look down and it was almost like a shadow had covered his eyes.

 " You're looking for a guy named Tord, right? " The guy said waiting for an answer.

 " Uhhh. . . yeah why do you want to know." Edd stammered

" Because I know where he is." The guy then gave a grin showing his teeth and looked up at Edd to find Edd running away from him " Oh . . . I guess he doesn't want to know where he is well. . . that's his problem." The guy hummed as he walked away as well.

 Edd kept running until he tripped on a root from a tree sticking out of the ground sending him into the air. Edd tried to grab anything as they came by him in a flash as he fell past them. Edd hit a tree knocking him out.

*Time skip because I be lazy*

Edd tried to get up but couldn't because of the pain he was in. On the bright side it stopped raining, but he could feel something was jabbing into his back as he tried to get up. He finally got up to find a stick kind of stuck into his back he tried to take it out but couldn't because it was in his back and he needed pressure and he was too weak to because of the fall. Edd looked around and noticed he was lost. He walked around to see if he could find anything that he remembered passing by. Edd ended up back to were people were and went over to a sidewalk. It was nighttime and it was chilly Edd was even colder because he was still wet from the rain Edd ended up staying in an alleyway for the night.

Later on in the night Edd chose to wake up early so he could head home. When he started walking again he started to remember taking this path. When it started to turn nighttime again he went into another alleyway, but before he could go in he saw a man with  a kind of goldish~brown hair and a dark red hoodie, but part of the right arm of the hoodie was torn off due to a robot arm. On the right side of his face he had his eye all blacked out like there was nothing there and his face was all ripped up.

 " Tord . . . is that you ?" Edd said with a little concern in his voice. As soon as he said that the guy happen to look up at him and paused.

 " Uhhhh . . . who are you? " The guy said

" Just are you Tord? " As Edd said this tears started to form in his eyes as they rolled down his cheek hitting the ground.

" Uh . . . yeah I'm Tord but . . . who are you and how do you know my name? " 

As Edd heard this his heart sank and he started to cry and ran up to Tord wrapping his arms around him.

" I don't know who you are . . . get off of me NOW!" Tord started to yell.

" Just shut up and let me hug you."

🔪🚬Some Things Should Be Left Alone (TomTord)🎶🎸Where stories live. Discover now