My Feelings

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I'm back, sorry I was gone for longer than I had said, I had more important things to do like sleep and other things. I will try and make it up with a long chapter, hopefully this satisfies your needs. 😌

Tord's P.O.V

     I woke up to Tom by my side on his bed, the day before I had wanted to go to Edd's place but Tom wouldn't let me. I got up as quite as I could and sneaked out the door. After I left, I walked up to Edd's door and knocked, nothing. Edd didn't answer so I stood there for a while waiting , it was early in the morning, why would he be up. I was really tired so I placed my head on the door and soon I was half asleep.

     I was sleeping peacefully until the door that I was leaning on opened. I thought I was going to fall forward but thankfully something saved me from falling. I'm guessing it was Edd, Edd caught me and pulled my head towards his chest and caressed it. He held on for a while until he pulled my whole body into the apartment.

"Hey Tord, I missed you!" "I wasn't gone that long."" I know, its just, you've been spending most of your time with Tom and I want to spend the same amount of time with you." "Well it's your fault for making me and Tom share an apartment!" 

     Edd just stared at me after I had said that noticing the karma. Then he looked at me angrily, he put his fist at the top of my head and pushed down. He rubbed my hair with his fist for a while then started laughing. I pushed him away "What are you doing!" "It's called a nuggie!" "A what?" "A nu-" he stopped himself in the middle of his sentence to rub my head with his fist again, then he started to laugh again. He finally stopped and walked over to his couch where there were empty cans of cola. He sat down and patted next to himself to show a gesture that he wanted me to sit next to him.

     I sat next to him and made sure I was more than two feet away away from him. He grabbed onto my shoulder and pushed me so that our shoulders were touching, then he kind of put us in a pose where he was in a hugging kind of way. He laid his head on me, I looked at his face and he seemed happy. I sighed and sat up straight to show I wasn't interested in what was happening. Edd noticed that and stopped smiling he got up from the couch and stood in front of me. He stared hard at my face and kept making weird facial expressions.

     I couldn't look him in the eye, when ever he grabbed my chin so that I could look him in the eye I just couldn't. He waved his hand in front of my face waiting for me to do something, he snapped, clapped, stomped, and made loads of noises but I couldn't hear him. I felt like everything in the room was slowly dissolving, Edd was slowly disappearing. I felt sick and I wanted whatever was happening to stop. My eyes were burning and my scars from when the robot attacked me started to sting. I thought I was going to blackout but for some reason everything calmed down.

     Edd seemed to reappear, everything came flowing back and I felt back to normal. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, arms, head, eyes, and chest. Before I could look up I noticed something everything I saw was blurry and everything I heard sounded like it was under water. I felt a sharp pain like someone had stabbed me with glass in the places that hurt earlier. When I heard Edd's voice slowly get clearer I found myself crying.

"Tord are you ok, please be ok, I don't want to lose you, Tord!" Edd was crying too . . but . . why?

     I saw I was laying on the couch facing Edd and we both were crying . . . why? When he noticed I was somewhat ok, he hugged me lightly, I asked him what happened and he said that I blacked out but before I did I started to bleed, a lot. He pointed to my stomach, arms, head, eyes, and chest, I looked at what he had pointed to one by one I slowly noticed the blood. I questioned him if my eyes were bleeding too but he said only one, then he pointed to the part of my head where there were scars, he said the right eye was the one that was bleeding.

     He asked me if I was ok, I told him that I thought I was ok. He hugged me again and then asked me what was wrong. "What do you mean by what is wrong?" "You were crying and you blacked out, are you ok?" I stayed silent, I knew why I cried but I didn't know why I blacked out. Edd tried asking if I was ok again but I still stayed silent. He started to yell at me.


     I told him multiple times that I didn't want to talk about it after he yelled. Then he calmed down and patted my back, then he asked me if there was something that I did want to talk about.

Edd's P.O.V

     Tord stayed silent until he finally had something to say. "Hey Edd, do you remember when you were trying to find me . . . the trouble you had to go through, you had a stick in your back and you got knocked out from hitting a tree." "Ok Tord we don't have all day get to the point!" "Well I'm pretty sure while you were looking for me you might've met someone that looked like me, right?" 

     How did he know of the trouble I went through and the people that I met? I nodded to answer his question. Then he continued "Well that person that you met . . . did they tell you that they knew where I was?" "Yeah." I answered. He thought for a while, "FUCK!" "Tord, language!" "Sorry, I just . . . need to deal with something and someone." "Who and what do you need to d-" Tord covered my mouth as he got up from the couch making some whimpering noises from the pain he was feeling.

"I'm going, ok?" He said. I pulled his hand away and got up, I grabbed onto his hand. "I'm coming with you!" Tord looked surprised then after a while he started to laugh, his laughing didn't sound happy it sounded evil. I let go of his hand. "Um, I'm not the only one that's coming . . . Tom and Matt will come along too!" I tried to sound like I wasn't afraid and that I had more power than Tord so that he could allow us to come along. He looked at me with the 'are you sure' look then smiled a fake smile "Fine, if that's what you want!"

     I sighed in relief, that's good I thought. Then I left to go and tell Tom and Matt the news. I went to Matt's apartment first, I knocked and waited. Matt opened the door with a hand mirror in his hand then he noticed I was at the door. "Hi Edd, what are you here for, is everything going well?" I nodded and told him the news, as I told him this his expression changed from perky to shocked then serious. I'm glad that Matt was taking this seriously, then that means most likely it was going to be easier with Tom. I brought him to Tom's door and knocked on it, Tom answered and automatically asked if Tord was ok. I told him so far he was ok and then I told him the news.

     Tom grabbed some stuff and went over to my door, me and Matt joined him. We walked in and told Tord that we were ready he said that was great, he would've continued but Tom and Matt both freaked out seeing Tord covered in blood. After me and Tord calmed them down Tord told us to follow him. He walked us to the car outside and asked who was driving. After Tom volunteered Tord started to tell him the directions and explained what was happening afterwards.

Yay, I told you it was going to be long, well . . . at least longer than the other chapters. I at least beat my goal of words and got this chapter out, finally. The amount of words is at least 1400 words, not counting this and the little message at the top. Oh and thank you to the people who actually read this. 😁

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