Inner Demons

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Tord's P.O.V

I got up and walked over to the couch, Tom followed me. When I made it to the couch Tom grabbed on to the front of my hoodie "How about we continue from where we left off." He said as he tried to take my hoodie off, when he got my hoodie off he then took off his. He tried to take my shirt off but I pushed him away and grabbed my hoodie from him.

"I have something important to do, ok, so uh, don't bother me." I said and left the apartment.

Tom's P.O.V

Of course I followed him why wouldn't I, he went right behind the building where anyone passing by could see him. He went onto his knees and looked up into the sky after a while he started to randomly scream out in pain, no one was staring at him only me. I was really worried and I wanted to go up to him but he told me to not bother him. After he finished screaming he started to randomly get a pulsing in his left arm, he took out a knife and cut where the pulsing was. Blood started to drip from the wound.

He looked up again and started to cry as he screamed again. He then looked down and grabbed at his left arm, he cut himself again and continued the cycle again. He stopped screaming and started to yell instead, the things he yelled out were surprising, they made me think of Tord in a different way.

"Leave me alone, stop making me go through this, stop making me go through with this plan of yours, its my choice, my plan in life and I get to choose whether or not I die or do suicide, let me just stop the suffering and have a normal life or just let the suffering kill me, I'm sorry Edd for causing you mental pain that I should've felt and sorry Matt for punching you and ruining your collection of pictures of yourself and mainly sorry Tom I knew we were never friends but your the only one I had the closest to being friends with and that harpoon should've hit me in either the head or the heart because my heart slowly broke thinking I was going to die when you shot the harpoon, I should've died in the attack and left you guys feeling happy and had a great life without me, just fucking let me die already!"

I couldn't take it anymore I ran up to Tord and hugged him as tight as I could and kissed him on his cheek while whipping away his tears. He looked sad, angry, and confused he covered his arm so I couldn't see he had cut himself two times. I pulled his hand away from his arm and helped him up and brought him inside, I brought him to my apartment and sat him down on my bed.

"The rules around here are going to change, you now sleep here on my bed and you are not allowed to have weapons in here, you aren't allowed to go outside without me and last one is if there is a problem or something bothering you let me know, got that?" He nodded to show he understood. I hugged him and whispered in his ear "I love you." He nodded again and said in a low voice "Yeah, I love you too."

Then he looked down, I noticed he really didn't like my new rules I'm guessing because when he was yelling he did bring up the fact that he wanted to control his life. "Ok, so tell me, when you were yelling out random things how did you remember about the incident and who were you yelling to, also why did you scream oh and why did you cut yourself and why was your arm pulsing?"

He sat there silent and didn't talk or even move he then looked up at me and said eight exact words. "I don't want to talk about it, ok." He got up and went to the couch. "I'm worried about you Tord, please let me help I want to help and make it better." "Fine I'll let you help." I walked up to him and sat down next to him and started to ask questions.

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