Leave Me Alone

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Tord's P.O.V

This random guy who was wearing a green hoodie and he was soaked, I'm guessing from the rain but he was hugging me and crying he also kept saying my name and mumbling things I couldn't hear.

" Could you get the fuck off of me . . . weirdo! "

" Oh um you meant it when you said you didn't remember me." The guy in green said.

I got up and then I noticed something wrong he had a stick stabbed in his back I touched it and he kind of yelped in pain. I started to put pressure on his back and started to pull the stick out, after a while I got it out and looked at him.

" Ow . . ow ow . . . ow!" He kept saying.

I sat back down and looked at him " Who are you, how do you know my name, and why are you here? "

"I'll answer those questions later now come with me."

He grabbed my wrist and started to pull me out of the alleyway. He looked at me and stared not doing anything else but staring. I got really nervous and started to walk away, as I did this his eyes followed me and so did he.

"How about we go and eat something, when was the last time you ate."

I mumbled it because this was a stranger trying to talk to me. I wasn't going to just let him tell me what to do. After he heard I wasn't going to answer he picked me up and hung me over his shoulder.

" Ok . . so let's eat then . . what place would you like to go to?"


" Fine you don't want to eat ok then I'll just bring you home."

" I am tired of this I don't know who you are GET AWAY FROM ME! "

Some people started to look at us thinking I was the crazy one and like the other one was causing it, well that was only half true. The guy in green started to bring me to a place where there were apartments. He brought me inside and up the stairs, he went into one of the apartments and placed me on the bed. He started to head towards the door and before leaving he said. " Don't move or break anything! " Then he left locking the door from the outside.

Edd's P.O.V

I walked over to Matt's room and knocked on the door, soon Matt answered the door and hugged me.

" You're back . . . I missed you where did you go? "

I tried to think of something that would get us off topic. Soon enough he changed the topic.

" What happened to your back? " He said with concern.

" Oh yeah I'm fine just happened to fall and wake up to a stick stabbed into my back. "

Matt then grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room and set me on a chair, it looked like he was looking for something. He found what he needed and walked up to me and was holding bandages.

🔪🚬Some Things Should Be Left Alone (TomTord)🎶🎸Where stories live. Discover now