To Love

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Before I start this chapter I would just like to let you know, two characters will seem like they like/love each other. I would just like to tell you they will not end up together and they are only like that in a friendly way. I will only make them do certain things like actually showing love, but that's only if you want that. After this chapter tell me if you would like that to happen. 😙

Tord's P.O.V

     I let go and Tom did the same. I got up and left his apartment, I wanted to think about what I was planning on doing soon. Later on today or tomorrow, I was planning on telling Tom that I did remember him and that I never did forget him again. But I kept changing my mind cause I had a feeling he would get mad and hate me for what I caused him to feel like.

     I thought about it and soon I chose what I was going to do. I was going to tell him, I had to tell him someday. Later on in the day when it was 7:47pm, I went to go and tell him. I knocked on his door and he let me in. "Where were you the whole day?" "I was just wandering around." "Don't do that, next time tell me and let me come with you, we don't want you to get lost again." "Ok." 

     I sat on the couch, should I tell him right now? I looked over at him and he was in the kitchen drinking Smirnoff. Well maybe I should tell him when he's drunk and then I'll see where that goes. After a hour of him drinking, he possibly was drunk enough, so I went up to him. "Hey, Tom." "Yeah . . . . " "Can we talk about something?" "Yeah . . . yeah, what is it?" "Well, you know how I don't remember you and the other two?" "Maybe . . . . ha ha ha!" "Um, what's so funny?" Tom got up and wrapped his arms around me. "I . . . love you . . . did you . . . know that?" "Yes, yes I did!" "Woo!" "Tom!" "Yes, sir!" "Don't say that, just the thing that I need to tell you is that . . . I actually . . . remember you and the only time I did forget something was when Edd first found me in the alleyway." "What're you trying to say?" "Tom!" I grabbed his hand. "I do remember you, we originally didn't share an apartment and when I first met you in Edd's room . . . you told me you hated me and that you wanted me to die." "Aww, you know that's not true." "Hmm, how am I supposed to know you're drunk." "Night . . . " "Huh, you're going to sleep already?" 

     He was already asleep, well hopefully he remembers so I don't have to explain it again. The next day came and Tom woke up with a hangover. I tried helping him with it but he wouldn't let me help. "What's wrong Tom?" "Sorry if I'm acting like a jerk to you it's just, I had a dream that you lied to me." "And how did I lie?" "You said that you did remember me and the whole time you did, that you never forgot about me and the only time that you did was when Edd first found you." "Oh um, Tom?" "Yeah." "That . . . that wasn't a dream."

     As I said that I slowly backed away from him, he said he was acting like a jerk from just a dream but now it's real. "Oh, it wasn't?" "Yeah . . . " "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME!" "I, uh, well." "TELL ME!" "Well, if you would let me explain I wou-" "YOU KNOW WHAT, JUST STAY QUIET I DON'T WANT TO HERE IT!"

     I sat back down on the couch and covered my face. He doesn't like me anymore, he doesn't love me anymore. I looked at Tom as he stomped into his room. I got up and left his apartment. I went over to Edd's place and knocked on the door. Edd answered, "Hey Tord, wanna hang out?" I just walked past him, I went over to the living room. The guy that I don't know the name to was there, tied to a chair. I grabbed onto the back of the chair and pulled it my way as I walked out of Edd's apartment. "You're coming with me!" "Um, ok?" 

     I didn't care if people thought I was crazy or if they stared at me. I kept going. I brought him to an alleyway and I sat down, he was still tied to the chair. I looked at him and he looked very awkward and uncomfortable, it was cute and amusing to watch. "So . . . why did you bring me here?" "Um, well, I thought maybe you . . . could . . . talk to me." "About what?" "Well first of all can you tell me your name?" "You can remember it . . . soon." "Hmm." "What?" 

     I got up and stood right in front of him. "JUST REMEMBER, YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S TIED UP AND I'M THE ONE WITH A GUN!" "Uh . . . ok." He sounded scared, good. "So, tell me your name." "Um, no." "Uhg, fine let's talk about something else." "Like, why you brought me here and why do you want to talk to me?" "Ok, the reason I brought you here was to talk about a certain thing that happened today." "Ok." "The reason why I want to talk to you is because of the same reason." "Hmm, and what did you want to talk about?" "I told Tom that I remembered him and that I was lying when I said that I didn't know him." 

"Hmm must suck, how did he react?" "Well, he yelled at me and told me to tell him why I lied and in the middle of me explaining it, he told me to be quiet." "Oh . . . " "You probably don't care, do you?" "Well I would like to know why you specifically wanted to talk to me?" "Well like I've said before you're the only one I can talk to because you know all of my plans and I guess I trust you." "That's . . . .  sweet?" "So, do you care?" "Well . . . let's just say that I don't care about what you're saying but I do care about how you feel and how you're being treated." "I feel the same towards you." "Guess we have that in common." "Now were looking for things in common . . . " "Tord . . . are you ok?" "Yeah . . . I'm fine." 

     I had tears in my eyes and I tried to hide it from him but it was hard when it was just us and we were talking to each other so I couldn't hide my shaky voice. "Um . . . Red Leader." "Don't call me that." "Um well, I was just wondering, do I still have to call you Red Leader?" "What do you mean?" "Well, before you forgot about everything you told me to keep calling you Red Leader, can I stop and call you Tord?" "Yeah, that will be nice." "Ok, by the way can you untie me?" "Sure, but after that, can you leave me alone?" "Uh, maybe." 

     I got up and started to untie him, then I sat back down. As I was just sitting there I felt someone sitting next to me put their arm around me for a hug. I looked to my side and I saw the guy was hugging me. "It's ok sir, you can continue, I won't tell the others." I reached for him and hugged him back, I continued to think of how I was going to tell Edd and Matt that I did remember them.

     After a while I got up and wiped the tears from my eyes. Both me and him started to head back to the apartment, we also brought the chair too. "So, I'm pretty sure Tom doesn't want me to stay in his apartment and I can't stay in the others cause Edd or Matt are going to question me and then I'm ganna have to tell them what happened." "You can stay in the alleyway, I'll provide you with the things that you need, I'll even visit you twice a day." "That's kind and all but, I won't be here that long." "Well then the time that you are here, I'll visit you." "Ok, thanks." "Your welcome." "You know, I guess you were always one of my favorite soldiers." "Hmmm, well bye." "Bye!" "Oh, by the way!" "What?" 

"My name is Indigo, see ya Tord!" "See you too, Indigo!"

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