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Indigo's P.O.V

As we started to leave Tom's room, Tom stopped me before I could leave. "You're going to stay here with me." "Why . . . HEY STOP PULLING ON MY SWEATER!" He pulled me over to his bed as he locked the door. He made me sit on the bed and he sat in front of me. "Hmm . . " Tom said. "What?" "Why is it that I want to be your friend?" "Huh?" "I said why is it that I want to be your friend?" "Um, I don't know . . . " I stuttered. "What's your name?" "Um, why do you want to know?" "Just tell me." "Fine . . . my name is Indigo." "Hmm, nice name!" "Well I did think it would be a nice name so I chose it."

"Wait, didn't your parents name you?" "Yeah, well I changed my name." "Hmm, what was it before?" "It doesn't matter." "Hmm!" Tom was staring into my eyes and I guess he was thinking of that question he asked me earlier about being my friend. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. "Why do I want to be your friend, what's so special about you that makes me want to be your friend?" "Uhh, I'm pretty sure it's nothing." "Why do you say that?" "Because, there is nothing special about me." "Hmm."

Tom pulled me away and stared back into my eyes. "You have nice eyes!" "Yeah well, they are very different from others." I had a yellow pupil and a white iris in the right eye, a purple iris and pupil in the left eye. My eyes happened to look like that because something happened to them during and experiment.

Tom placed his hands on my shoulders. "Hey can you tell me why you still always have your hood up?" "No, I can not tell you." "Come on, just let me . . . " Tom placed his hand on my head underneath the hood and tried to pull it down but it wouldn't work. "Come on why won't you let me pull your hood down?" "Just stop!" "Fine."

He stopped. He then placed his hands back on the bed. He stared into my eyes while I looked to the side trying to avoid his look. "Can we be friends" "Huh?" Tom placed his hands on my shoulders and moved me closer. "Can we be friends?" "Um . . . "

After a while, I finally pushed him away. "Well, I kind of barely know you and well I'd have to get to know you." "Come on, I don't know why but for some reason I feel like you need to be my friend!" I moved away from him, he moved closer to me. He grabbed me by my arm and held on. "Come on Indigo, why can't you just stay with me and get to know me?" "Um, well, maybe just a little." "How about you start with pulling your hood down?" "Um, no, I'm not ready." "Too late!" Tom said as he grabbed my hood and forced it down.

"Huh . . . that's what you look like, you know the only part of your face that I got to see was your chin and your eyes?" "Uhh . . . yeah." He was looking at me up and down until he paused. He looked at my face and then at my hair. I thought he was going to say something about how I was different from other humans. Instead he said, "Your hair almost looks exactly like Tord's." "Yeah well it just happened to happen." He looked down and then out of nowhere he randomly hugged me.

I wanted to move away but for some reason I was frozen. The only person that knows about my bunny ears was Tord, well if he remembered. I mean, I know some things about Tom, but he doesn't know that much about me.

Tord's P.O.V

I was just wandering around to see if Matt or Edd missed me or even noticed that I was gone. After that I went back into Tom's apartment to see what he was doing.

Tom's P.O.V

I heard my door open so I quickly got up and left my room, I told Indigo to be quiet, I only did this so that Tord wouldn't ruin me becoming friends with Indigo. I went out of my room and saw Tord standing there. "Oh hi Tord, why are you here?" "I just wanted to see what you two were doing." "Oh, well we weren't doing anything." "Oh, that's all I wanted to know, what are you going to do?" "Nothing" "Hmm, well bye." "Bye."

I went back into my room and onto my bed. Indigo didn't do anything like trying to leave or make noises so that was good. "Hmm!" "What?" "You actually stayed." "Yeah, so, I couldn't really leave because the door lead to where you were." "Oh, aww, I thought that you actually stayed because you trusted me."

"Indigo." "Uh, yeah." "What do you think about me?" "Um well I think you're an ok person" "Hmm, do you like me" "Not really."

"Why?" "Uh . . well, there is just something about you." Indigo said as he put his hood on. "Well, I like you and want to be your friend." "Ok, it's not like Thats gonna happen." Indigo got off my bed and I got up and stood next to him. "Indigo, could you stay with me?" "Why?" "I want to know more things about you." "Um . . . no." "Of course you say no."

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