With You

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Tord's P.O.V

     I woke up in the middle of the night and saw Tom was on the ground muttering in his sleep. I listened closely to hear what he was saying. "No . . . . . don't leave . . . . Tord . . . I . . . . I'm sorry . . " I had no idea what he was talking about but he just kept going. When it started to get annoying I started to shake him to wake him up. He shot up and frantically turned towards me, he grabbed me and hugged me. "What happened?" "I had a nightmare and you were there." "What happened in the nightmare?" "You . . . killed yourself . . but before you did that you . . . killed me and said we would be together forever like that." "Hmm, maybe that's true, but I would never kill you so we could be together forever." "I know, it just seemed so real because . . . " "Because I already want to kill myself." "Yeah." "But, I would want to be with you, but just not forever because . . . well you know."

     Tom looked over at me and wrapped his arms around my neck and placed his hands on my back. I looked at him and he seemed to have calmed down. He moved his head forward towards mine. He got closer and then paused, he looked at my lips then into my eyes. He leaned in but I backed away and used my sleeves to cover the lower half of my face. "This isn't right." "What do you mean it was right until you backed away." "No, that was not the problem." "Then what was?" "Well, why would you love me if you know your going to loose me?" "Because, I want to make sure the last few days that you live, you lived knowing someone loves you." "But that's not right." "So."

    I turned away and got up, I left the room and sat on the couch. Tom followed and went over to me as I laid down. He went on top of me and pinned me to the couch, he looked me in the eyes and started to lean in. "Just . . . let it happen." "Actually, you should take your own advise." "Huh, what do you mean by that."

Tom's P.O.V

     As soon as I said that Tord pushed me off of him and pushed me against the couch and pinned me to the couch. He moved closer to my face and whispered in my ear "I'm the one that is dominant here." He leaned in and bit softly on my ear. I got one of my arms free and used it to move his head to face me, I pulled his head down and our lips touched. We both melted into the kiss and stayed like that for a while. Tord moved his head back ending the kiss still pinning me. But before anything else other than what already happened could happen someone had to ruin it. Edd and Matt barged in and walked over to us, Tord quickly got off of me before they could see what was going on.

     "Me and Tord are going to the store so you and Matt are going to be alone together." Edd said. "But I didn't agree to go with y-" Tord didn't get to finish his sentence because Edd grabbed his hand and pulled him off of the couch and into a hug. "Come on Tord, lets go." Tord followed him and they left. I looked over at Matt who also looked at me, I decided what I was going to do, so I lied to Matt. "Matt I'm going to go get drunk so don't bother me, ok." Matt nodded and I pretended I was heading towards my room.

     I walked out the front door and followed Edd and Tord, it was easy because they were walking, the store was kind of close to the apartments. When they made it to the store they mostly talked and played around, they only bought two things though I couldn't see what they got. After a while they left and went out to eat, they ended up having leftovers even though they barely ate. When they were heading back to the apartments I ran to my room. I made it in time and sat in my room, pretending I was drunk in case Matt came in. There was a knock on my door and Tord came in, he walked over to me and handed me a bag filled with things. "Here this is for you." He said as I looked inside of the bag.

     Inside of the bag were the leftovers and a bottle of Smirnoff, I looked over at Tord and he did a slight smile. "I wanted to get something for you because you seemed down when I left so . . . your welcome." "Thank you." His slight smile became a normal smile, I love it when he smiles, it's adorable. I grabbed his shoulders and kissed Tord on the cheek. "I love you Tord . . . I'm in love with you." Tord looked away and covered his face, he mumbled something so I told him to say it again. "I. . . I love you to." He muttered then he uncovered his face to reveal his blushing face and a kind smile.

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