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Matt's P.O.V

     As Tom was driving Tord kept talking about how he needed to deal with something and that when he dealt with it he wanted us to stay in the car. I didn't care that we had to stay in the car because I could spend that time admiring myself. "After you wait in here, soon I will come back and we'll go home like nothing happened." Tord kept talking, "You all better not leave the car when we make it there and you better not drive the car closer!"

     We made it to a dark place and it was very quite, it was scary. Tord got out of the car and told us again not to drive away or leave the car. After Tord left Edd turned towards me with a catlike smile "Let's follow him!" "But didn't he say not to follow him, I just want to admire myself." "You can do that as we walk there, come on!" I looked at Tom to see what he thought about it, "I'm staying here, I'm actually going to listen to Tord!" "Ok bye Tom!" Edd said.

     We followed where Edd thought that Tord headed and soon we heard yelling, it sounded like Tord. Me and Edd peaked over a corner and saw Tord yelling at a guy that kind of looked like him. Tord wasn't wearing his hoodie anymore, he had a grey shirt on but some of it was red, I'm guessing from his blood. I heard running behind me so I turned around to find Tom running up to us. "Tom, why are you here?" I whispered. "I saw some weird shit, so I decided to come here!" "Hmm!" Edd said.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO ME WHEN I TOLD YOU TO STAY QUIET!" Tord yelled at the guy. "Well you must understand, I couldn't just let them really think that I was you!" The guy sounded worried but at the same time he acted as if he was the one to be afraid of. "SHUT THE HELL UP, I DON'T WANT TO HERE THAT BULLSHIT, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LISTEN TO ME, ONLY ME!" "Well I did listen to you b~b but I-" He couldn't continue his sentence because Tord punched him, the guy fell on the ground

     Tord reached into his pocket and took out a gun, he pointed it at the guy. "Know your place." Tord said. Before Tord could shoot Tom jumped from the corner and into plain sight. "Tord, stop!" Tord froze and dropped his gun. "Uh, Tom . . . what are you doing here?!" "Why do you have a gun?" Tord just stood there, Tom walked over to the guy in front of Tord. He helped him up and then looked at Tord. "Why are you doing this?" "You'll never understand." "Tord, tell me!" "Tom." "Yeah." "I'm leaving, bye." Tord walked off and left us all, he hadn't noticed that me and Edd were there.

"Tord . . . . COME BACK HERE!" Tord just kept on walking. Me and Edd came out of the corner we were behind, we walked over to Tom. Edd tried to hug Tom to help him feel better but he didn't take the offer.

Tord's P.O.V

     I walked until I made it to where I wanted to be. If it wasn't for Tom I could've killed that guy, I would've stayed too. Well it doesn't matter anyways it's not like they were important. I can live without them, I don't need them. I looked up to see it was night, well might as well get some sleep. 

     I knew that Tom wasn't the only one there, I knew Edd and Matt were there too. I just didn't want to bring them up. I kind of knew that they weren't going to listen to me and that they were going to follow me anyways. Since I knew that Tom would be the only one that would listen to me, I sent something to make him run. He was supposed to head the opposite direction of Matt and Edd so that Edd and Matt would hear running and go check to see if Tom was ok, but that didn't work. Still I can live on my own for now.

Tom's P.O.V

     What just happened, first I try asking Tord about what he was doing. Then when he doesn't answer I ask him why was he doing it, he still doesn't answer but then he says he's going to leave. For how long and when is he coming back.

     I just stood there wondering what was the answer to theses questions. I wanted to believe that Tord was ok, but that was hard with everything that had happen ever since he came back. I still remember how I told him to die and that he should've never came back, but now I'm wishing that he stayed and I want him to live longer. What if while he's gone he tries to kill himself and succeeds. I wouldn't be there to help, I wouldn't be the one to tell him everything is ok.

     Maybe he left because of something I did or because what we saw. If it was because I jumped around the corner then what is wrong with me. I caused him to leave, it's my fault. I'm a horrible person, how could I just let him leave. I already miss him, what about him? Does he miss me or was he happy that he got to leave?

     Did he leave because he thought he was the horrible person? I'm guessing we're both terrible people, then why did he leave when we both have that in common?

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