Dying Inside

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Tord's P.O.V

I was sitting on the guy in green's bed and soon started to here knocking on the door it started to get louder and louder till I heard a voice.

" Edd I know you are in there I heard you come in! " 

I was silent I didn't know what to do but to stay quiet. I heard more knocking and more yelling. After a while he said " Ok I'm going to bash open the door if you don't answer . . . " After that he had slammed into the door and nothing happened after he tried again it swung open and a guy wearing a blue hoodie with fully black eyes and his hair went up in many spikes.

" Edd I told you I would . . . uh"

He looked at me and anger came over him but at the same time he was confused, he looked like he was going to attack me but before he did that he sat down next to me.

" Why are you back, you should have been dead . . . you should be dead." The guy in blue said as his anger came back.

I stayed silent and just looked away from him as he said this to me he had said that I should be dead and that I don't belong here and that I should leave. I didn't respond because I had nothing to say I just kept looking down, what did I do to make this guy angry with me? 

He grabbed the front of my hoodie and brought me close to his face and he was yelling at me. " WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE LIKE YOU FUCKING DID THOSE OTHER TIMES BUT THIS TIME NEVER COME BACK!" 

He let go of me and I looked down and for some reason this actually got to me and out of nowhere my eyes started to water. I used the front of my hoodie to cover my face to try and hide the fact I was crying. The guy in blue looked at me and noticed what was going on and he stopped yelling at me and mumbled something. He pulled my hoodie away from my face and grabbed my chin so I was facing him. He then reached his hand to touch my face, but instead of lightly touching my cheek he slapped me.

" How about you go right now and just die." He said as he scooted away from me and just sat there and then said " I'm only staying for Edd so don't bother me, got that?" 

" Yeah ok . . but I have a question  . . who are you?" "What do you mean by that, are you trying to play around with me?" " Uh. . . no I just want to know who you are so I can start to understand what is going on." " Fine I will go along with this . . . why were you crying?" 

" Oh . . that . . that was nothing I'm fine." I said this even though I didn't really mean it, to me FINE meant . . .

Feeling like I'm nothing to everyone.

 I was never fine, I don't know what caused this but I just felt FINE. But in other words I guess you could say I am depressed, yes this would describe me but another way is that I feel like I am dying inside.

🔪🚬Some Things Should Be Left Alone (TomTord)🎶🎸Where stories live. Discover now