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Edd's P.O.V

I knocked on Tom's door and afterwards I heard a gun shot, I paused for a moment and opened the door. "We're back!" I said. I looked in and when I noticed what was going on I ran in and made it to where Tom was crying and Tord was on the ground. I looked at Tom and saw there was a gun next to him, why did he have the gun when he was crying over what happened to Tord. I immediately picked Tord up and started to bring him to the car, Tom followed and was the one to drive. 

As we made it to the hospital the doctors took Tord in and went to work. I told Tom to explain to me what happened and the way he described it it made it seem like he left out parts on purpose. He said that he was with Tord then Tord gave him a gun and when I opened the door it startled him into making him shoot Tord.

After an hour me and Tom never went home. We stayed the whole night hoping he would be alive. The next day the doctor said we could see him and that he was ok, he also said thankfully he was only scratched up a bit and was shot in the shoulder. So we went in and saw Tord laying on the hospital bed, he looked calm. I bent down and hugged him, I tried not to touch his shoulder. When Tom made it to Tord he hugged him and kissed his cheek. When this happened I looked at tom with the are you two a thing face. Tom didn't notice that and continued hugging Tord.

Tom's P.O.V

I noticed Edd was giving me a type of look but I just ignored it. Later on the next night Edd said he was heading back home to keep Matt company. So it was just me and Tord . . and the doctors, but it was nighttime and the doctors weren't there. Tord was actually awake so we were able to talk for a bit.

" Tom." Tord said

" Yeah." When I said this I looked over at Tord and I noticed he was blushing.

"Sorry for what I made you go through." "No, it's ok it was my fault." "Don't say that I caused it." "No you didn't, let's just settle on the fact that it was both of our faults." "I still don't agree but ok, but as I was saying I have a question for you." "Yeah what is it?" "Well I'd like to know why you . . kissed me on the cheek back at the apartments." "Well it's a secret commie but I'll tell you, I love you Tord but when I say that I mean I'm not in love with you . . yet." "What was the last word I couldn't hear you?" "Nothing important." That's what I thought, Jehovah Witness."

After I heard those two words come out of Tord's mouth I froze. Did he really just call me that, was he starting to remember me and the rest. I looked at him with a smile on my face and said "I love you Tord." 💝

Tord looked over at me and gave me a smile "Sure, lets go with that." When he smiled I noticed this was the second time I've ever seen him smile after the incident. Well the other one was when he got shot but lets bring it back to happy times. He looked cute whenever he smiled. I liked it, now I feel like always making him smile I don't ever want to see him sad.

 I liked it, now I feel like always making him smile I don't ever want to see him sad

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Picture made by me took 2 hours to make (I might make more if I am motivated)

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