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Tom's P.O.V

Tord and I started to walk home. He seemed pretty tired, once in a while he would start to close his eyes as he was walking. "Hey Tord, is it ok if I carry you?" " . . . .sure, why not." I picked up Tord and continued to bring him back to the apartments. When we made it to the apartments, I started to shake Tord so that he could wake up.

"Tord, I need you to open the door for me." "Huh, what . . . . ok." Tord reached for the door handle and opened the door. "Thanks." "Uh, yeah, night." "You can't go back to sleep, I need you to open my door." "I thought I just did." "No, that was the front door." "Oh, ok you can put me down." "Ok." I placed Tord down and continued walking.

I made it to my apartment and opened the door. I allowed Tord to come in and I walked in after him. I shut the door and walked into my room. Tord went into the living room and started to watch TV. After an hour I joined Tord and watched TV with him.

"Hey, Tord." "Yeah." "Do you want to hang out with Matt and Edd?" "Um, well, do I have to?" "What do you mean?" "Well I don't exactly want to hang out with them." "How come?" "I don't know, I only want to watch TV with you." "Aww, that's sweet!" "Oh, well I just want to watch TV." "So you didn't mean it in a nice way?" "You can take it that way if you want to."

I got up from the couch and left my apartment. I went up to Edd's room and knocked. "Hey Tom, anything wrong?" "No . . . ok, maybe." "What is it?" "I want all of us to hang out with Tord, but he only wants to hang out with me." "Hmm, I'll get Matt." "Ok, I'll be in my apartment."

Edd walked over to Matt's apartment and I walked back up to my apartment. "Hey Tord, we're going to have some visitors." "Huh, who?" "They're two people that you know." "So, Matt and Edd, when they get here tell them to leave." "Why are you so rude today?" "I'm ganna go to sleep." "Um, ok have a nice sleep."

After a few minutes, Edd knocked on my door with Matt. I answered the door, "Hey, Tord said that when you guys come, he wanted me to tell you guys to leave." "Why, does he hate us now?" Edd said. "What did we do?" Matt said. "Come in, he's in my room." I brought them up to my bedroom door and slowly opened it. I pointed to my bed where Tord was. "He's trying to sleep." I whispered.

Matt and Edd entered my room and slowly approached Tord, they went on either side of him and looked at me. I went behind him. Matt and Edd jumped and slightly landed on Tord, I did the same. Tord was being hugged by me, Matt, and Edd. Tord made a grunting noise and tried to push Edd and Matt off. "What's wrong Tord, what did we do?" "Leave me alone." "Come on answer the question." "Leave me alone!" "Tord." "LEAVE ME ALONE!" "Guys, I think we should leave him alone." "But you were the one who told us that you needed our help." "Well I didn't exactly say it like that."

"Guys, I'm trying to sleep, leave me alone!" "Can we sleep with you?" "I don't care, just don't touch me and don't talk." "Ok." Edd laid down to the right of Tord and Matt laid down on the other side. I laid down at the top of my bed. After a few minutes I fell asleep.

Later on I woke up to Tord no longer being on the bed. I got up and went into the living room and he was sleeping on the couch.
I laid down beside Tord and laid there for a while. After an hour Tord woke up and tried to push me away. "Tord, what's wrong?" "I want to be left alone." "Why, what did we do wrong?" "Leave me alone!" "Tord!" "Why do you want me to hang out with you so bad?" "Tord, let's all hang out, not just me and you, we have other friends." ". . . . . . no, sorry, I just want to be left alone and I'm not in the mood to hang out."

"How about another time?" " . . . hmm, we'll see what happens."
End of book one

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