There For You

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Tom's P.O.V

     I grabbed Tord by his hand and smiled at him hoping he would do the same. He showed me another smile and held on to my hand tighter. "Hey Tord, if you want I can stop showing so much love to you?" "No I'm fine, I just want you to be yourself." "Ok." I let go of his hand and looked down. I stood up and walked around for a bit. What could I do to help Tord remember me and everything else?

     I walked back up to Tord and reached my hand out towards him. He grabbed it and stood up. "So, where do you want to go?" "Anywhere away from here." "Ok, let's walk for a while." We started to walk around and see if we could find anything fun to do. Later on when we kind of had no idea where we were, we stopped and looked around.

     We were on a hill that was covered in frost and grass. I sat down on the grass and gestured for Tord to sit too. He sat down and laid his head on my shoulder. We stayed silent for a while until I picked Tord up and started to walk back the way we came from. When I made it to the alleyway I walked back to the house. I went into my room and placed him on my bed. I laid down next to him and I shut my eyes.

     An hour passed and I was woken up by Tord shaking me so that I could wake up. "What's wrong Tord?" "Why are we here, weren't we outside?" "Yeah, but you fell asleep and I wasn't going to let you sleep outside, it's freezing out there." "Oh, ok." Tord laid back down and I moved so that I was right next to him. He laid his head on my lap and he shut his eyes. I shut my eyes too but then I felt his hand touch mine and we were holding hands.

     I woke up three hours later to the sound of my door shutting. I looked around to find Tord gone. I got up and left my room. It was dark outside and I didn't want to go out there. After I looked around the house I grabbed an extra coat and went outside. I tried to look around but it was hard when the only light I got was from lamp posts, cars, and the moon. I walked on the sidewalk for a while and then when I still couldn't find him I went into the grass. I looked around the hill where me and Tord where before he fell asleep.

     It turns out Tord was there laying on the grass with no hoodie. He looked calm. He was just laying there doing nothing. He wasn't moving at all. "Hey, Tord." " he didn't answer. "Tord, are you sleeping?" I walked up to him and placed my hand on his chest. He was alive, why wouldn't he be? He was either asleep or he was just ignoring me. I laid down next to him and waited a couple of minutes before I placed my hand in his. "Tord, even if you try to leave me . . . I'll always come with you." Still silence. "Tord, I'll always be there for you."

"That's all that I want right now." Tord said with his eyes still shut. "Tom, there's something I want you to know." "What is it?" "I love you, but I know that you love me more." "True." "But just know that you can't always be there for me." "I know." "So can you do me a favor?" "Yeah, anything for you." "Can you only say the things that are possible?" "But it is possible." "Yes, in some situations, but not in this one." "Ok."

     "As long as you're there for me, the best you can . . . then I'll try not to avoid it." "Good." "Also this is for you." Tord turned towards me and opened his eyes, he then smiled at me. I smiled back at him and pulled him into a hug. "Hey Tom." "Yeah." "Let's go home, ok?" "Yeah, and this time don't leave." "I won't."

Merry Christmas everyone, well it might be Christmas by the time you guys read this.🎄

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