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Before I start this chapter I would just like to let you know, two characters will seem like they like/love each other. I would just like to tell you they will not end up together and they are only like that in a friendly way. I will only make them do certain things like actually showing love, but that's only if you want that. After this chapter tell me if you would like that to happen. 😙

Tord's P.O.V

     Hmm, Indigo. That's a nice name, I never would have thought that, that would've been his name. Its a unique name, to me, it sounds beautiful. I walked back to my alleyway and sat there for a couple of hours, it was easy for me to get bored when I'm just sitting there. Later on, I fell asleep but I was having a little trouble falling asleep since it was cold. Well it was the middle of fall so what did I expect. When it turned morning I was really surprised that I actually got sleep. I looked around and noticed something different. I had my red hoodie on but I also had a red sweater wrapped around me. There was a note on the ground and it said it was from Indigo.

     The note said 'I thought you would need the sweater, it belongs to me so don't freak out about giving it back. If you don't need it just give it back to me today because I will be visiting you again. -Indigo

     That was nice of him, I never thought he would do all of this just for me. An hour passed and Indigo came, just like he said he would. When he sat down next to me I noticed that he had a bag in his hand. "So, do you still need the sweater?" "Yeah, it's still cold." "Oh, hold on." He placed down the bag he was holding and took off the sweater he was wearing. "Here have this, this should keep you warm for a while." "But aren't you cold, you know since you're wearing short sleeves." "No I'm fine, I'm just doing my beast for my leader." I punched him lightly in the arm, it was nice of him but he was shivering from how cold it was. "So, what's in the the bag?" "Well, are you hungry?" "Of course!" "Well here." He handed me the bag and inside it was a couple of snacks. I thought for a moment and then I tried asking about what I thought.

"Wait, don't they normally give you snacks to eat, I thought you weren't supposed to have food?" "Oh, well that's the food that they gave me to eat from today and yesterday." "Wait when was the last time that you ate?" "I really don't know, I do know that I didn't eat yesterday and today." "Oh . . . " I felt bad for him he was just doing his best for his leader but all he was doing was freezing and starving himself. I took off the second sweater that he gave me and took some of the snacks out of the bag, I gave them to him. "Wait those belong to you." "I know, I'm sharing." "Um, ok it's not like I'm ganna say no." He only took the sweater, he stood up. "Well, I'm ganna go." "No you don't." I grabbed him by the back of his sweater and pulled him down so that he was sitting.

     Why was he acting nice all of a sudden? Was it because he really wanted to do his best for his leader or was it because I'm the only person that is the closest to being his friend? "Hey Indigo." "Yeah." "How many friends do you have?" "Um, well if you would like to be counted as a friend then I guess I only have one." "Hmm, ok then I'm your only friend!" "Hmm, ok!" "So you had no friends before, why there's nothing wrong with you!" "Well before any of this happened didn't we have a conversation about how we hated each other?" "Oh, yeah. . . " "Well, can I go now?" "Um, can you at least take one of the snacks?" "Um, are you sure that you want me to take one?" "Yes, I don't want you to starve, here how about you take six." "But that's half of it!" "I know, here." I handed him six. "Fine." "Ok, bye I'll miss you." "Huh?" "I said I will miss you." "But you normally don't miss me." "I actually sometimes do, but I just don't tell you." "Oh, um bye." 

     Indigo started to walk off with his sweater and six snacks. Well I'm glad he has a friend now. I sat back and ate same of the snacks, I was able to go to sleep with no problem and I was happy while I awaited the second visit from Indigo.

     As I was waiting I noticed that slowly it was turning nighttime. Did he forget that he said that he was going to visit me twice? The next day came and he still hadn't visited me. Three days passed and still no visit, then two more days passed and he still hadn't visited. I started to get really worried but at the same time I was a little angry, did he actually forget about me?

🔪🚬Some Things Should Be Left Alone (TomTord)🎶🎸Where stories live. Discover now