Cross My Mind

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Tom's P.O.V

     I started to fall asleep as I thought, when I woke up it was just me and the guy in the room. I looked at him for a while, it soon became a stare. He noticed this and gave me a confused look. I stared at his body, trying to notice anything useful. I noticed that ever since I met him he always kept his hood up, he never had it down.

"Hey, why do you keep your hood up all the time, doesn't it bother you?" "Why do you always have your hood down?" " . . . . . Fair enough." 

     I wanted to tell him that it was because of my hair but it didn't matter anyway. After a while of me just staring at him he finally said something. "So, when do you guys plan on letting me go?"

     I tried joking around to see his reaction. "Never." He looked down and stared at the ground, he really didn't react to it. I got up and walked over to him, he just sat there staring at the ground. I put my hands on his shoulders. "It's ok, just relax all we want to know is information about you and Tord." He looked up at me with a confused expression, then he tried to shake his shoulders so that I wouldn't have a grip on him anymore. I let go and walked back to the couch.

"So . . . are you bored?" He nodded his head. "What do you want to do?" "I want to be free!" "Well, to bad!" "Seriously, when are you guys going to let me go?" "When you give us information!" "So, you were right when you said never." "Mmhm!" The guy looked down again and stayed like that for an hour.

"You ok?" "Hmm?" "I said are you ok?" "Maybe?" "What do you mean by maybe?" "I don't know." "Uhg!" "What?!" "Nothing, just tell me info about you!" "I thought you wanted to know about me and Tord?" "Well now I'm interested in you." "And by interested you mean?" "I just want to know everything about you, ok now tell me!" "I can't tell you, Tord told me not to tell any information to anyone about me or him." "Stop saying that!" "Saying what?" "Just . . . TELL ME INFORMATION ABOUT YOU!" "I can't tell you, Tord told me not to tell any information to anyone about me or him." 

     I grabbed onto the front of his hoodie, I stared him in the eye . . . but . . . I couldn't see them. "Hey, where are your eyes?" I could only see his chin, the rest was covered with a shadow. "I can't tell you, Tord told me not to tell any information to anyone about me or him." I grabbed onto his hood and tried pulling it down but it wouldn't go down.

"What is wrong with your hoodie?" He didn't answer, so I tried again but kindly. HEY, LISTEN TO ME, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOUR HOODIE?" "Calm down, it's just a hood." "Shut up!" "Ok." "No wait, tell me about yourself." "But you told me to shut up." "Fine then tell me about Tord." "I can't tell you, Tord told me not to tell any information to anyone about me or him." "Fine, I'm going somewhere, I might be back." 

     I went into my room and got proper rest, then when I woke up I started to think about Tord. Was he thinking of me and if he was, was he thinking of me in a bad way or good way? Also was he still alive, was he all alone without me? All of these thoughts went through my mind as I fell back to sleep since it was nighttime again.

Tord's P.O.V

     I sat there thinking of when that guy was going to show up. I needed to start all over again, I needed to forget what happened and just look into the present. I couldn't help but think of Tom and the other two. They all looked happy around me, but now they hate me like they did when I didn't know who they were and I didn't know them. I thought again and found the solution to my problem. All I had to do was act like I didn't remember them again.

     Before, when I forgot about them there were bits and pieces of memory that stayed so I remembered some things about them, I had to pretend that I didn't remember. Now I'll do it again, but before I go I'll stay here for a while longer.

     I started to think more about Tom and how I had to pretend that I don't know him, which will be harder than before. Then I started to think about Edd and all the things I had to forget, after that I thought about Matt. There wasn't really much to forget about Matt. The hardest part about forgetting them was getting them off of my mind. 

     Every thought led to them. I thought about leaving, it brought me to think of how Tom's reaction would be when I came back. I thought about how I had to forget about them, it made me think of how me and Edd spent time together. I thought about when I was about to kill that guy, it changed to how Matt's expression was shown on his face. I just hated that they were on my mind . . . but at the same time . . . I liked it. 😒

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