I'm Fine

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Just a quick message, you guys know how I said I would turn this into a second book. Well it turns out I'm too lazy to make a cover and retype the information again so this book is just going to continue.

Tom's P.O.V

I got up from the bed and left my room. I walked into my living room and looked at the couch. "Oh, you guys are done!" "Ahh . . . oh it's just you, Tord." "Yup, I've been here the whole time waiting for you guys to finish whatever you guys were doing." "Aw you were waiting?" "Mhmm!" I hugged Tord and he gave a surprised expression. "Hey is everything ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "You sure." "Yep." "Tord . . . I remember having this conversation with you before and when you said that you were fine you cut yourself." "So?" "Tord, tell the truth." "Ok, fine I'M NEVER OK AND I'M NEVER FINE!" "Tord . . . " "Sorry." "No, it's ok."

I looked at Tord and placed my hand on his head. "I love you." "Ok." "I said I love you." "I . . . love . . you . . too." "What did you say?" "Shut the fuck up!" "What did I do this time?!" "Nothing! JUST SHUT UP!" "Ok. . . " I took my hand off of his head and took three steps away from him. "Tord, whatever is making you act like this, I would like to help make it stop." "Too bad!" "Sorry. . . can I at least try?" "Fine." "Ok Tord, tell me one thing that is wrong." "I still don't remember certain things." "Oh, well . . . " "See, you can't help." "No, no I can." "Oh, really, how?" "Um well, we could bring back things that could trigger the memory." "Maybe."

"Or maybe we could do the opposite of what caused you to forget everything." "Yeah, but I don't remember how it happened." "Oh." "Just stop trying to help me." "Tord . . . I want to help you." "No, I can handle this." "Tord, you sure about this?" "Yes, now leave me alone." "But-" "I said leave me alone!" "I was going to say that I shouldn't be the one leaving since this is my apartment." "Oh yeah, well still leave me alone!" "Ok, where are you going?" "Somewhere!"

"Bye." I said as Tord left the apartment. I watched as he left and checked to see where he was heading so later on I could comfort him. I watched as he went down the stairs and then he was gone. After half an hour I went to where I last saw him. I went down the stairs and looked around, after I was sure he wasn't around I went outside. I looked around the area and still couldn't find him.

     I went to the alleyway where we usually find him, I peaked inside and he was sitting there with his knees up to his face. I walked slowly up to him and sat down next to him. I placed my hand on his back, he started to look up. Once he noticed that it was me trying to comfort him he sat upright and looked down. "Why did you come here?" "I had a feeling you would've been here, I also wanted to comfort you." "Heh . . . thanks." "Your welcome." "Tom." "Yeah." "Do you . . . care?" "Care? Care about . . . you?" "No, just everything that has to do with me." "Oh, of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" "Why?" "Huh?" "Why do you care?" "To be honest, I don't know." "That's good, I thought you were going to say because you love me."

"Tord." "Yeah." "What's wrong?" "Hmm, haven't you already asked me this question?" "Yeah, but that just means that I care." "Fine, the thing that's wrong with me is . . . everything." "I don't want you to think that, Tord . . . I love you and you know that." "Yeah I know, you've been saying it a lot today." "Tord, can you describe how you feel about me?" "Huh, why?" "Please, just tell me."

"Tom, you know how you keep saying that you love me?" "Yeah." "Well, I would've loved you if I did remember you." "Huh?" "I can't say I love you anymore when I don't, Tom I like you and all but . . . it's hard for me to show how I feel about you when I'm too busy dealing with my problems." "I understand." "I mean I do love you it's just that I probably don't love you the same amount that you love me." "Do you want to head back to the house?" "No I'm fine." "I'm sorry but, Tord could you not use the word fine?" "Fine." "Tord!" "Ok." "Good." "I want to stay here a while, if it's ok with you?" "It doesn't matter as long as this is what you want."

"Tord." "Yeah." "I just want you to know that I'm ganna be here for you." "Ok . . . good." "Hey Tord, could you smile for me?" "Ok?" Tord gave me a smile and then gave me a confused look. "I love it when you smile." "Hmm, that's a little weird." "But it's ok at the same time?" "Yeah."

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