Staying Up

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Tord's P.O.V

     It was hard going to sleep, without Tom, Edd, even Matt. I just sat there, doing nothing, what was there to do. I wanted Tom to be there with me but how could I be near him after what he saw. I almost killed that guy and Tom stopped me before I did, I wasn't really going to kill him. I didn't have control over my body, I didn't want to hurt him I was just too mad. Now because of that I can't go back to them, what would happen if I did go back to them. Edd might yell at me to leave, Matt might try to hurt me, and Tom. Tom would do the same thing he did to me when I had no idea who he was. He would tell me to leave and never come back and then he would tell me to die.

     I was just thinking of the possibilities of what could happen, I didn't even notice the sun had already came up. I didn't get any sleep because I was thinking about them, all I had to do was forget about them, but how. Maybe I could do the same thing I did last time, how I forgot about them before. But it was hard for me to remember what I did to make me forget, I also had to tell myself that it didn't work as well because I still remember some things. I'm also starting to remember everything now, I had to do something before all of my memory came back.

     What was it, what did I do to make me forget everything about them. I thought about this for a whole day and before I knew it, it was night again. I spent the rest of the night trying to remember how and what made me forget things. It took me a while to realize that the guy that I almost killed was the one that made me forget everything. I would thank Tom for stopping me before I shot the gun but he probably hates me. I had to find that guy again, and yet I don't even remember his name.

     I wonder what even happened to that guy, well he'll show up soon. I'm pretty sure once I told him to show up where I am.

Tom's P.O.V

     It turns out we decided to take the guy with us. Well I mean it's not a problem because of two reasons. One he is information about Tord, two he agreed to it. We tried asking questions but he kept saying the same thing. "I can't tell you, Tord told me not to tell any information to anyone about me or him." He was good, no matter what he kept saying the same exact thing. We weren't getting to him and he wasn't breaking, so I told Edd that we could do something else other than ask the same questions over and over again. We ended up just tying up the guy and went to sleep.

     I tried going to sleep but it was hard when all I could think about was Tord trying to kill himself. I just couldn't sleep at all, he could be dead by now and all I'm doing is laying here doing nothing but hoping for the best. It turned morning and we all ate breakfast, except for the guy who wasn't giving us information. We all looked well rested except for me and the guy. Edd told me to get some rest on the couch while they continued to question him but I said no because I knew no matter what I still wouldn't get rest. They continued questioning as I sat back and thought about Tord.

Sorry it be short, I have important things to do like work from school. I also have been thinking about something that has to do with the whole book because I noticed something. The next chapter will be about this, so you will understand.

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