Won't Leave You

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Tord's P.O.V

     Ok so, I got almost all of my stuff ready, which is barely anything because everything that I have is in the apartments. So basically I didn't do anything , but I had to someday head to where they were. First I had to find the same alleyway that Edd found me in and go to an alleyway that is near it. By doing this, if Edd looks for me again he'll remember that he found me in an alleyway and then he'll look in the allyway that he found me in and after he figures out that I'm not there he will look around the area. I have to do this because I have to act like I don't remember anything, not even the alleyway that I was in.

     I went to the alleyway way and then went to another one that was nearby. I sat there waiting for Edd to find me there, which obviously took days. As these days passed by I kept thinking about how I should've eaten something before I had left.

Skip to a couple of days later because I be da lazy

Edd's P.O.V

     I decided later on to go out and look for Tord because Tom has been kind of quiet and to himself ever since Tord left. I asked if any of them wanted to come with me and Matt said he wanted to come so he came along. The guy who hasn't told us his name yet hasn't eaten yet but he has had water and we only untied him for three reasons. First of all he needs to do bathroom stuff.  Second of all he needs some exercise, he can't just sit there the whole day. The third reason is that he has trouble sleeping and so we allow him to sleep on the couch too get comfortable.

     The guy had said that he wanted to come along too, surprisingly after Tord tried to kill him. We didn't let him come along so it was just me and Matt. Tom was left alone with the guy so hopefully nothing bad happens. Me and Matt were on our way and I told him the story of when I first was looking for Tord, Tord had freaked out and he didn't remember who I was. After that I brought Matt to the alleyway were I found Tord last time, he wasn't there. So I looked around the area, I looked in other alleyways and around the streets. I made it to one alleyway where a person, Tord, was there. I ran up to him and hugged him and so did Matt. "Tord!"

Tord's P.O.V

     I had to act like I didn't know them so I tried my best. "Who are you, why are you here, how do you know me?" Both Edd and Matt froze and stared at me. Matt went up to me and touched my forehead,"Are you ok?" "Don't touch me, who are you?" Matt looked over at Edd with a worried expression. Matt grabbed onto me and Edd helped. They picked me up and started to bring me to the apartments as I was screaming for them to put me down.

     They brought me inside and into one of their apartments, they placed me on the couch and tried talking to me. They were trying to remind me of everything that happened. The last thing that they brought up was when I left. After they finished Tom came in and looked at me. His expression changed from lifeless to surprised. He ran up to me and hugged me, I wanted to hug back but all I did was yell for him to let me go and I was asking who he is. Matt and Edd explained everything and Tom's expression changed from surprised back to lifeless.

     He looked over at me and said, "Well then, if every time you leave, you forget us, than I guess you're never leaving again." For some reason I felt like smiling because of what he said. Did they actually want me back? "So I'm stuck here forever." "Yup!" They all said. I looked around as if I've never been in this room, then I looked back up at them.

"Well, who are you guys and what are you to me?" All of them stared at me for a while and then the guy who I don't remember the name to said "They're your friends!" "Um, ok then what are you to me?" The guy walked up to me and crouched down to the level, since I was sitting then he whispered in my ear. "I know you remember us, you told me you'd do this if something went wrong, Red Leader." He smirked and walked back to where he was originally, as he walked away I said quietly "Asshole!" Tom and Edd walked up to me and gave me a look like they wanted to know what he whispered. 

     I gave them the look to show that I wasn't going to tell them. Then all of them except the guy, walked closer to me.  They all smiled and got closer, they changed the subject. "As long as you don't leave us, we won't leave you!" I stared at them or a while and had to force myself to keep a straight face. I felt like smiling but I had to pretend like I didn't know them. I was about to cry from how happy I was that they had said that and that they wanted me to stay forever. I couldn't help it, I started to cry happy tears. I looked up to see how they reacted to this, they seemed surprised. The guy stepped in front of all of them and grabbed me by my arm and took me to a room. I wiped away my tears and waited for him a to say something.

"So, why did you bring me in here?" "Well, obviously I didn't want them to see my leader crying." "They have already seen me cry!" "I know, I just wanted to make sure that your plan doesn't fail." "Hmm, then I guess . . . thanks?" "Your welcome." 

     After a while we left the room, Edd walked up to me and said, "So, what did you two do in there?" Then after he said that he gave me a weird look and smiled. "We're not like that, we're probably friends but I don't know because apparently I can't remember anything except for my own name." "Sure~ ." "Uhg, gross." Then I walked up to the couch and sat down. They all introduced their selves except for the guy that I don't remember the name to.

     After that they all sat down next to me and hugged me. "We're never going to leave you and we won't let you leave ever again!" Matt said as Matt, Tom, and Edd smiled and the other guy stood there, with a bored look on his face. He looked like ever since I left he was slowly dying, he looked tired, hungry, and he looked not the same as usual. Was he ok, were they treating him correctly?

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