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Tord's P.O.V

     Tom sat down next to me and he asked random questions that I didn't want to answer. After a while he noticed I was answering most of them quietly and that most of them I said were small sentences to answer them. When he noticed this he stopped asking me questions, he pulled me into a hug and tried to comfort me.

"Tord, let me know what's wrong, you said I could help." "Mmhm." "TORD!" "Hmm?" "Listen!" "Why?" "You know why." "Hmm, I'm going to go outside." "Well then I'm coming with you, I told you you can't go outside without me." "Never mind, I'm going to stay here instead." "Ok."

     I got up and walked to the door "I'm going over to Edd's, ok?" "No, not ok." "Fine." I sat on the couch and Tom walked over to where I was, he placed my head on his lap and stoked my hair. "Everything is ok, Tord I will fix it I will help . . . Tord . . . I'd like to know when I tried to help did it work?" "I guess but only a little bit." "Hmm, that's good to know." 

     Tom kept treating me nicely, did he treat the others like this to, did he treat me like this back then? I got up from Tom's grip and went over to his bed. "I'm going to sleep so, good night." "Night." I closed my eyes and went to sleep, hopefully the day would end and be different from today.

Sorry for another short chapter, I know it's very short but I wanted to get something done before I went away, I will only be gone for two days. I have to wake up at 2:00am to get ready for a vacation and it's 10:30pm so I need my sleep.

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