
17.6K 234 104

Genre~ Teen Fiction

(For mature audiences)

Author~ ItsWayPastMyBedtimee


"You're so easy to rile up," Eli shrugged and ducked a punch from me. "It's funny watching you get angry, princess."

"Princess?" I growled and deflected a punch from him, "Can't you just leave me the fuck alone!"

"You're the one who started this," Eli defended himself. "I didn't charge at you with a knife!"

"You stole my sandwich!"


Daisy wasn't your average girl. She was a trained killer. Give her a target and she could find multiple ways to end the targets life. After a failed escape attempt from the world she grew up in, she has to get used to being back to training, guns and death.

Throw in a boy or two that both drive daisy mental, a sarcastic attitude, lots of drama and a mission that may turn Daisy back into the assassin she used to be and you've got a pretty hectic story.

My opinion~

I honestly think this is one of my favourite stories of all time. It's not your typical book where the badass falls in love with the badboy, it has so many twists and turns, cliff hangers and suprises it's too hard for me not to fall in love!

She's a stubborn girl with a life she wishes she never had and when you mix it together with a boy who hates her guts, I think it's a perfect story line. It has the right details in the right places and it could hook you in on the first two sentences in the first chapter!

Go give it a read and tell me what you think in the comments!

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