The Last She

8.7K 85 12

Genre~ Science Fiction

(For mature audiences)

Author~ hjnelson


A plague has swept over the Earth, killing the majority of the population and every female. Except one. Ara witnessed the horror and distruction, but for the last three years, has somehow survived.

Now desperation and hunger force Ara out of the mountains and onto a dangerous path; She must return to her home city. Across the flooded downtown and through the gangs of survivors Ara believes there is hope, one small leftover clue, that could save her. But when she is taken captive by a group of men, she must decide where her loyalty truly lies; with humanity or with herself?

This is the story of The Last She.


My opinion~

Well it's been a while since I've read this book, but I still remember some parts too it. Let's just say that this author must have come from the gods. This book is split evenly between, action, frustration and some unnoticeable love. If you enjoy a good book with some Human vs. Nature, Human vs. human and Human vs. self, this is the perfect book for you. The character struggles for survival in a place she used to call home, hiding away from the world of people and society as she tries to go unseen by them. It's a little hard to keep up at some points in the book, but a definite good read!

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