Genius (book 2)

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Genre~ Romance

Author~ TheBiblicalSinner_

(Completed) book 2 of CENTURIES series


"You want me to be a genius or do you want me to fuck you?"


The Alexandrettia is the finest school in the state, known for producing the smartest, and most talented kids in America. 21 year old keen painter Mia Hanson managed to get a spot. She worked her whole life to get inside, to see the hallowed halls her biggest idols once walked through.

But those very same halls get vandalized one wild night, and the person responsible gets sentenced to do community service, working as the janitor to clean up his mess.

With his broody eyes, filthy mouth and body covered in ink, Eli the type of guy you run away from; The type who only lives for the trouble; The type you just know packs a brain the size of a peanut.

But when one of Fermat's biggest unsolved mathematical problems gets solved by an unknown source, rumours start as to who and where this genius might be...


My Opinion~

This book has got me all hot and bothered by reading it. The contrast of the characters really shines and I really like that about this book. They're not typical characters. This story reminds me a lot of "Good Will Hunting", a movie about a mathematical genius which I highly recommend watching as well.

This is book 2 of the CENTURIES series and it definitely hasn't changed my mind on this being one of the best book series on Wattpad.

The sexual scenes do NOT disappoint and I highly recommend for people older than 15 lol.

If you enjoyed reading book 1, "Alexander" than you'll have no problem enjoying this one and all the following books that are to come.

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