The Cuddle Pact

1.1K 16 11

Genre~ Romance

Author~ papersplanes



"I have all the money in the world, and all you want from me is a cuddle?"

"Well, I need you to cuddle me to sleep. Sleep to me is worth more than any cash you could give me."

He slowly grinned and his hand emerged from the pocket of his expensive slacks. "Then we have ourselves a cuddle pact."


My Opinion~

I know I've said this for a few of my other opinions, but this book is adorable, I just can't help but say it! It's cute and cuddly, and it definitely makes other books run for their money, or in this case, readers hahah

I think it's such a smart way to write a book, I love how it represents romance and how it's not the typical badass billionaire love story. I just fell in love with the whole story, cuddles and all!

If your in the mood for a cute, snuggly book, I truly recommend this book for you. Aweh great, now I want to cuddle with someone!

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