His Nerd Next Door

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Genre~ Drama

Author~ HoneyJewelz


One thing, just one little thing Julie had to do to have a great start at her new high school.

Don't Draw Attention.

She thought she could handle it, how hard could it be right?

She was reading in her room when she just decided to take one, little, harmless peek outside of her new bedroom window.


Half naked, Greek god bad boy right before her very own eyes!!

So what do you do in this situation?

Simple, you squat down in the middle of your bedroom floor, because somehow that was a smart idea rather than walking away, and start doing ninja rolls to the window curtains going completely unnoticed.

And when she banged her head against the wall after doing a total of six slightly slanted ninja rolls, guess who saw the entire thing?

Ashton Rider in all of his naked glory.

Say goodbye to an unnoticed school year, and hello to the bad boy's world.

Book one in T.B.B.B (The bad boy Boxer) series.

All rights reserved.


My Opinion~

I REALLY enjoyed reading this book. It's cute, funny, and just an overall great book.

It's a little cliche, but hey, it's hard to not write books like that plus they're all still adorable.

It definitely kept me on my toes the entire time I was reading it, and that's what I loved most about it, it's still unique in its own way and it's so hard to stop reading it. You always want to know what going to happen next and that can be hard to do.

Definitely take the chance to read this, it's not gonna hurt to read one more book!!

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