Dragon Tamer (Book 1)

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Genre~ mythical, dragon, adventure

Author~ EstherDramaqueen



Marcie is an oddity in her village, the daughter of a widower with both village and outsider blood in her veins. She cares for her drunken father, and struggles to fit in with the rest of the village.
Everything changes when she comes across two dragons, a mother and her new born, and unwittingly becomes the Tamer of the baby dragon when his mother dies.
This new unlikely bond completely changes her life and opens doors to her future that she would have never thought possible whilst also causing her pain and heartache.


My Opinion~

It's official. I love dragons. I love this book. I love these characters. I love everything. This book is absolutely mind capturing. It drew me in right at the start from the description of the book. I was desperate to find time to read it. When I finally got my chance, I couldn't put my phone down to stop reading. The connections with all the characters was so strong and so beautiful it truly felt as though I was in the "Dragon Tamer" and living in their world. Fully recommend reading this book and I have no doubt you'll love it.

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