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Evil has yet to prevail over good.

Our time is soon to come. Our vengeance was yet to be felt by those who have wronged us. Our powers as individuals caused mere disturbances, but together, as one, we were unstoppable! Good could not stand with the power we hold in our grasps.

We were invincible.

"Listen well, you all! We wicked beings shall indeed meet again. Together, we will end the reign of all good; raising our dark cloud of misery over these lands. We will have our revenge and all will be deliciously... evil."

Crackles of evil joy filled the brick room. I scanned the dimly lit room filled with my comrades. We gathered around a large, dark oak table with the source of our power in the center.

This war between good and evil was no longer a war. We withheld the advantage. It was now fair game... fair in our favors. We held the spinning needle and sword, while they had no clue of what was to happen.

It was our time. We were the victors today and the future, there is no denying that much. We would always win with this magical object in our possession. Always.

"Oh, on the contrary," a Fate spoke, "We may win for now, but who is to say we will not lose tomorrow?"

The voodoo man spoke next. "What are you saying, woman? 'Win today, lose tomorrow'? I didn't escape from the souls that wanted to torture me for nothing."

"What she is saying," her sister spoke, reaching to take hold of their shared eyeball, "Is that one day, the―oof."

"Hush you, you speak too much." The third sister turned her empty gaze to us. "We cannot tell you what is to come in the future, for there will be its consequences."

"Consequences, non-sequences! It's all just a bunch of hullabaloo." The fiery, arrogant one said his part.

"Now, was it not you who they helped to destroy your enemies?"

All eyes turned to me. Why was it such a surprise that I would speak directly to such a pathetic, insolent being that he is? It was not as if I was a queen. And if I happened to be, I would never tromp along with a useless mirror for no reason.

Time passed before he spoke, "They did, but that stupid, son-of-a-god found some loophole and used it to save the day. I could have had the girl and the heavens by now if it wasn't for the damn loophole!"

"Calm down, I can see the fire spewing from your eyeballs." Small snickers filled the room. "In any case, we cannot take any chances. We will hide the book in a secret chamber located within my fortress or behind the gates of the underworld. We will be the only souls able to access the chamber. They will have no way of breaking through and stealing what is rightfully ours."

All had agreed. Once we had finished the details of the future events to be taken place, we dispersed back to our worlds. All would change in three days when the final battle was to take place. Finally, I would have my revenge on those ignorant souls and all will be right again.

* * *

The three days have forsakenly passed. Not one evil soul teared over the departure of the good in this realm. It was to begin soon. A short time after the battle had begun, the final detail would be etched into stone.

We would win. Finally.

A knock sounded at my door. "All are ready for the battle, evil one."

This would be entertaining. I made my way down to the battlefield for the final show, making sure to have my dramatic entrance. All good doing souls were present. Good. The plan was in order.

"I am so glad you can join us today," I announced.

One brave soul stepped forward. Well, isn't that charming? "This war ends here and now! Today we win."

"When don't you win?" Oh, would someone sever the tongue from behind that buffoon's lips?

A girl stepped towards him. "Oh, zip it hot-shot. Last time you had help trying to win a battle, you lost, remember?"

Her comment almost made my lips curl upward. Almost. Now, why did he not like this girl? She has so much going for herself.

"Enough of this! Today, one will win and one will lose. We might as well stop delaying the inevitable and get our win over with," the charming one declared with unforgiving hope.

One will win, but this time it is us and not you. We will have our 'Happily ever after'.

Horns sounded through the tense air. The pointless war began and―oh, look, the foolish, ignorant one has just fallen to his bum by the girl I admired so dearly. Poor thing, she didn't know what her fate had in toll. Oh well.

"Your Highness," a man spoke. "It is almost time. Would you like for me to escort you?"

I waved him off. "That will not be necessary."

A puff of dark smoke lifted and I stood before the magical object in the hidden chamber. With one simple sentence, the world I had known began to morph. This will be fantastic.

"...One will win and one will lose." Today, we have won.


► Ooo, a war? A magical object? 

What do you think will happen in the book? What do you think the magical object is?

Who 's eyes do you think we were looking through? Let me know in the comments! ◄

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