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Guess what day it is? The day we break into Amoura's house like ninjas! Well, not like ninjas but like the best we possibly can. I can't speak for anyone else, but I never broke into or out of a place before. I should probably ask Gothel for some advice.

"Hey, Gothel, what advice would you give to someone who has never broken into a house before?"

"Three words. Don't. Get. Caught."

Okay, well, great advice! Thanks, Gothel; back to you, poop head.

Anyways, everyone is up and ready to go. We have everything― and by everything, I mean sandwiches. Everyone was going, because the more the merrier, you know? Oh! We also came up with a rule: If you get caught, well, bye! I should also note, that rule doesn't apply to me... because I am the only one who can type on my laptop.

So, yeah! If it's hard to tell ―which it might be because emotions aren't really translated well into text unless they just state it― I happen to be freaking out. My blood was pumping really fast, the world looks really weird and in high contrast. It was like having a panic attack but with fear. Now, I'm normally a calm person or normally feel hollow of any emotions, but this is something new. I'm not sure how to deal with it and sassy, devil me is kinda M.I.A. She's pretty much taken a vacation and I'm forced to deal with all of these new emotions or feelings. So, yay! That was a sarcastic 'yay'.

Grabbing a bag, I walked out and hoped everyone followed, which they didn't. Once finally catching on, we began breaking off into teams. The first team consisted of the Fates and Ana who were to keep their eyes on Amoura as she lived out her day; the second team ―which consisted of Hades, Gothel, Shang Yu, Zella, and me― broke into her house. They let us know of any new activity while we did the dirty work.

When surveying the exterior of the house, we noticed a few cars in the driveway. She must have been using her friends as the guards, making sure nothing went wrong. Smart. These dumb dumbs probably wouldn't have even thought of that; I know because, well, I'll let you refer back to Emmet and the whole freeing him from the book thing.

We discretely looked through the window, observing that there were a few muscle men ―Adam and Herc― guarding the door we might have needed to get through and the door that might be hiding our secret weapon. This was going to be harder than I thought.

Well, you didn't think. You were way too busy freaking out and trying to come up with something smart that you forgot to get some inside details. My inner demon is back! How have you been? Have a nice vacation? Yeah, watching you make a complete fool of yourself, that's so painfully fun! I am you, and you are me. Shut up. Focus.

Looking for some creative ways to get inside, something hit me. Why not get rid of Zella now? She was only going to pull us down and everyone hated her.

"Drizella, or Zella ―whatever you go by― knock on the door and do whatever you do. I think Cindy is in there. I saw her trying to pull off some designer clothes that was so, sooo last season." Just like I hoped, she got up and did as she was told.

"Did you just get her to give herself up?" Gothel asked. I shrugged limply. "You sly, little girl."

"I told Ana she was bound to die. Plus, I didn't want her around for long and she was a logical choice. Always expect the unexpected."

Swinging open the front door, Zella caught everyone's attention; they all raced to catch her. We took this as our shot, racing to the once guarded door and down the stairs, we came upon our biggest bump in our plan. Inside wasn't our weapon, it was just some fairy. Her broken, green eyes climbed up to meet mine. Something inside my mind began stirring with reflection. I've seen those eyes before.


She coughed in response. Rushing over to her, I unlatched her from her position. She pointed behind me at a body.

"Is that Emmet?" Ooh, honey, he cute. No, not really. You must also be the straight side of me. He isn't really my type. Plus, he happens to ba a little... dead. "He's gone, Maleficent. Why do they still have him? Wait― No, nevermind, you kinda can't answer that. Grab him and let's go. Knowing Zella, she'd give us up in seconds."

Hadies and Shang Yu caught on and hauled Emmet's body up to go. The boys threw the corpse in the back with we climbed into the truck. After Maleficent was hydrated enough, she told me what we needed to know.

"He ―He is still connected to the book," she rasped out. "The spell ―was never broken. Only a ―chrome ―pen ―can write ―book ―find pen ―change ―home." She fell to her side, exhaustion taking over.

Letting her rest, we tried to understand what she said. The spell wasn't broken. Emmet was still bound to the book. I can write in the book. Find a pen, a chrome pen. Change all the events and go home. Chrome... Chrome.... Chrome... Why chrome?

"Chrome... book... pen... Chromebook pen!" Everyone looked at me. "My laptop is a Chromebook. I think I need a Chromebook pen or just a plain chrome pen. I mean, I don't have a touchscreen or anything but I do have the whole mouse pad thing. I don't know how that would work on Emmet cause he's a, well, person. I think we just need a pen."

One Fate spoke up. "A chrome colored pen. It has to be in contrast to the feathered pen from before. More modern since all the book were originally written in similar pens."

"Cool, let's go find a chrome colored pen!"

So, finding a chrome colored pen was hard to do. But... while looking up some stuff, a selected few Chromebook pens have chrome coloring on them so that might just work. Stealing one from some lame, no security computer store, I tried to understand the little gadget.

Just to note, I am NOT getting paid for any of this, I doubt they know about me because... I'm stuck... in a book... inside my Chromebook. I just happen to like Chromebooks and Android products; I know, ugh, an android person. Sorry, not all other computer and tech devices work best for me. But if they did want to work with me, I know not why they would nor how they came to find me, but may I just say... Hi. I can't believe I am you. Oh, shut up. You know it'd be cool.

I think I understand this pen thing. It wasn't made for my device but it may ―crossing fingers― work.

"Ah, just the person I was looking for."

Oh, no. Not now.

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