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- Unknown -

The older characters now know who they are. Our mission is coming closer to its happily ever after. Oh, goodie. So many harsh and crazy months have passed on with us sitting here and doing nothing. So many months of filing papers for Maleficent and that horrible Tremaine.

We were done waiting. We wanted the scale of good and evil to balance back to it's normal state. In order to do that, we have to intervene. We had to be nosy and snoop. We had to be careful too, my dears. That is why my three distant sisters and I have used our magic to protect our kind. We gave Cinderella the books she needed to help make sense of what is happening; we gave them those dreams to help them understand who they are; we gave them everything they needed so far. All they had to do was gather and find a way to put an end to all of this. When the time was right, we would make our move, making ourselves known.

Oh, dear, where are my manners?

"Forget your manners, they want to get to the juicy parts!" a French voice yelled.

"Oh, bibbidy-bobbidy-hush, you! I am getting to that."

Where was I? Oh, yes! You might be wondering who I am and who 'we' are. Well, I cannot tell you who I am, but your guess may happen to be correct. I am however able to tell you who 'We' are. We are known as The Helpers. We are the ones who place our noses where they should not be to help the forces of good in any way we can and give them a little push if needed.

All of us happen to work at the school, looking over the children at all times. We are the ones you have not heard about yet, but don't worry, some of us will make our appearances. Well, you have heard about me, just like many of you have heard of me.

Anyways, right now, our mission is to get our world back to the way it was. To go back to our fairy-tales and live happily ever after, but we can never do that in this world. In this world, the villains have the upper hand and evil happens to win.

"Oh, would you stop talking like a crazy woman? I'll take over from here."


Hello, it is me. Lumière, but you already know that.

"Lumiere, you were not supposed to tell them who you are! The evil one will know, she might be reading this!"

"If she thinks she can come after me, she has another thing coming. My friends and I will personally show her the same hospitality we showed those uncivilized people who dared to break into our home to kill our prince."

Well, anyways. You know the villains of our stories have the upper hand but sadly, we do not know what it is and you cannot tell us, now can you? See, you are reading this on a piece of paper and we cannot hear or see what you look like. What we do wish from you is that you not give up hope.

We are trying our best to save them. One day we will. You have already read about the dreams some of the princesses had. You know what goes through their heads and what happens in their lives, while we do not. We can just follow them but only for a short time. In time you may get to know who we are and may happen to meet many of us. We will show up in the reading soon, just you wait!

As for how we know about the secret upper hand the villains have, well we have someone on the inside. She tells us everything we need to know. It has been made clear who she is and what she is capable of doing. What hasn't been cleared up is why she is helping us.

Well, it is not known to the villains that the longer they use whatever object it is they are using, the more harm will be done. Soon, our world will no longer exist and soon, this world may not exist. In this world, magic is not real. Magic can only survive if many people believe and sadly, many do not have faith in the stories we belong in.

If we do not get back into our worlds, we may die off, slowly. It works just like the rose in my story. When the magic is drained from the object helping the villains, all will be doomed. We will die and so will the others who are from this world.

In order to keep your world, we have to get back to ours. I believe you will have hope in us and in our mission. I believe we will get back to our homes. I believe in the good. As I hope, keep believing in us because I believe in you.The older characters now know who they are. Our mission is coming closer to its happily ever after. Oh, goodie. So many harsh and crazy months have passed on with us sitting here and doing nothing. So many months of filing papers for Maleficent and that horrible Tremaine.

We were done waiting. We wanted the scale of good and evil to balance back to it's normal state. In order to do that, we have to intervene. We had to be nosy and snoop. We had to be careful too, my dears. That is why my three distant sisters and I have used our magic to protect our kind. We gave Cinderella the books she needed to help make sense of what is happening; we gave them those dreams to help them understand who they are; we gave them everything they needed so far. All they had to do was gather and find a way to put an end to all of this. When the time was right, we would make our move, making ourselves known.

Oh, dear, where are my manners?

"Forget your manners, they want to get to the juicy parts!" a French voice yelled.

"Oh, bibbidy-bobbidy-hush, you! I am getting to that."

Where was I? Oh, yes! You might be wondering who I am and who 'we' are. Well, I cannot tell you who I am, but your guess may happen to be correct. I am however able to tell you who 'We' are. We are known as The Helpers. We are the ones who place our noses where they should not be to help the forces of good in any way we can and give them a little push if needed.

All of us happen to work at the school, looking over the children at all times. We are the ones you have not heard about yet, but don't worry, some of us will make our appearances. Well, you have heard about me, just like many of you have heard of me.

Anyways, right now, our mission is to get our world back to the way it was. To go back to our fairy-tales and live happily ever after, but we can never do that in this world. In this world, the villains have the upper hand and evil happens to win.

"Oh, would you stop talking like a crazy woman? I'll take over from here."


Hello, it is me. Lumière, but you already know that.

"Lumiere, you were not supposed to tell them who you are! The evil one will know, she might be reading this!"

"If she thinks she can come after me, she has another thing coming. My friends and I will personally show her the same hospitality we showed those uncivilized people who dared to break into our home to kill our prince."

Well, anyways. You know the villains of our stories have the upper hand but sadly, we do not know what it is and you cannot tell us, now can you? See, you are reading this on a piece of paper and we cannot hear or see what you look like. What we do wish from you is that you not give up hope.

We are trying our best to save them. One day we will. You have already read about the dreams some of the princesses had. You know what goes through their heads and what happens in their lives, while we do not. We can just follow them but only for a short time. In time you may get to know who we are and may happen to meet many of us. We will show up in the reading soon, just you wait!

As for how we know about the secret upper hand the villains have, well we have someone on the inside. She tells us everything we need to know. It has been made clear who she is and what she is capable of doing. What hasn't been cleared up is why she is helping us.

Well, it is not known to the villains that the longer they use whatever object it is they are using, the more harm will be done. Soon, our world will no longer exist and soon, this world may not exist. In this world, magic is not real. Magic can only survive if many people believe and sadly, many do not have faith in the stories we belong in.

If we do not get back into our worlds, we may die off, slowly. It works just like the rose in my story. When the magic is drained from the object helping the villains, all will be doomed. We will die and so will the others who are from this world.

In order to keep your world, we have to get back to ours. I believe you will have hope in us and in our mission. I believe we will get back to our homes. I believe in the good. As I hope, keep believing in us because I believe in you.

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