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- Hadies -

Well, it looks like we're in some hot water. If you haven't heard, the tables have turned once again but it is still in the favors of evil. Looks to be that the good girls have gone bad. Kinda feels like a hot mess of a bad 2009 pop song. Get it? Oh, whatever.

Anyways, so the good has become evil and the evil has become good, which in my opinion, kinda sucks. And by kinda, I mean a whole lot. So this means, good ol' Zeusy boy is now running my house, destroying everything while I am now a freaking god without powers. Well, technically, I was a god running the underworld but now I'm a god with no home.

Zeus and his little pals used to own Mount Olympus and when they went bad, well they still ran the place. The best part, they didn't even have to work to steal it, it was just handed to them. So, not only did they have Mount Olympus, but they went downstairs and stole my home too. And they stole my henchmen.

Honestly, they can keep them, they weren't good for anything. They'll be a pain in their as― what do you mean I can't swear? This isn't some kid's movie or book, they are grown up. Don't give me the "because I said so, Hadies, it's my book," kinda trash. You know what, "author," I'm gonna swear if I want to so fu―

Ow! Did you just slap me? She just slapped me! What am I going to do about it, you ask? Well, when she die, I'm going to make sure her soul gets sent to my favorite part of― for the love of ―I don't run the underworld anymore. Well, then I'll just― I'll just― I'll... go sit over here and get back to my part.

Well, my cheek hurts and I have no clue where I was. Give me a second to look back. Oh, okay. Well, that train of thought doesn't matter now.

So, now I'm homeless and here I am, in Gothel's house and it looks like this is now my temporary home. Till I buy one. Hey, can I ask her for money or to like write it in the book?

"Homie, I'm broke... and I seemed to have lost my laptop so I can't write that in to fix any of our problems. Also, your Cobra Starship joke was sucked." Really?! "Don't get all italicized on me, it isn't my fault. Well, it is but I didn't type 'And then I enter the story and lost the love of my life, Lapy-top,' okay?"

Good for nothing autho― ow! What the― she threw a book at me! Freaking crazy psycho chick. What the heck was her problem? Why does she keep hitting me?

"Cause you, Hadies with an ies, or Hadies with an es, are a poopy head. A big dong, like from BgA's song."

BgA? What? Who? This chick is crazy on a whole 'nother level.

"I can throw an endless amount of things at you, homeboy."

Okay, I've had enough with this child. Turning around, I let all my anger out on her.

"Listen here, little girl. I am not your "homeboy", "your homie", or your personal punching bag. I am Hadies, Lord of the Underworld. And right now, you are a human, stuck in this world with me and I happen to be very close to making sure you never return home because all of this... yeah, this happens to be your fault."

She continued to stare at me, blinking multiple times. "Are you done?" I nod. "Good, because I didn't care about anything you said. You aren't the first person to threaten to kill me or the first to try. And honestly, I wouldn't care because then that meant everyone is doomed. There is one little fact that I hold, well two and maybe a few more, as I think about it. If you happen to kill me, then you will never know about them."

She got up from the couch and walked over to me. "Plus, I am a force to be reckoned with. Whoever stole Lapy-top is about to die when I get a hold of them. I plan on snapping their necks and if you ever so happen to get in my way, then your neck gets snapped as well. Oh, and don't forget, this is my story, I can kill who I want without any consequences. Got it?"

Scared, I nodded my head. Note-to-self: Never piss off the writer of the book you are in EVER again. She might just actually kill. Ironically, I feel bad for the person who stole her computer, they have no idea what is to come.

I trailed behind her as she walked to the school. What was she up to? After entering the building without a care, she found a random classroom, sat down at the teacher's computer, and began typing away. After spinning around in the chair for a while, waiting for the screen to load, she waved me over.

What she was showing me, was the best thing ever. I guess we may win this battle after all.

"No one is winning any battle, poopy head."

We'll see.


►"Hey, mom! I'm in a book!" *Mom voice* "That's nice sweety." Just kidding, my mom would yell at me for "wasting my time" writing. As long as the career I want makes a bunch of money, she's all on board of being supportive. ◄

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