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- Cindy-

Oh, no...

"Eugene, get out of here, like now!" I heard the skitter of feet as a hand touched my arm. "Are you okay?"

I nodded before shaking my head. "They know where we meet. They know that we now meet here, Bella. They know. They know that we know that they know that they know. They know about you, and me, and us." I zoomed in towards her face. "They know everything," I whispered.

She denied my thoughts... and craziness. "It's the only coffee shop by the school that has decent food and drinks, they might just be here for that. Don't raise their suspicion. They could have just as easily spotted us as we did them. Calmly walk inside with me, talking about um... ah. You know, stuff that normal people talk about."

Agreed. Change in the topic. "So, apparently there's a school play. Wanna go with me? I can see if I can go and if I do, we can make it a girl's night!"

Bella walked inside with me. "Yeah, I don't think having a girl's night is a good thing right now. School. But I have heard there was a play but I heard that it wasn't going to happen because the kids weren't happy with it, did you hear about that?"

"What are you talking about? They love it." I cringed at the voice. Keepin' it real low, Cindy. Real low.

"Oh, it could have been my mistake. I might have heard wrong. I think it will be a nice play to see but sadly, I'm not free that night." Thank you, Bella, for swooping in and saving the day.

The woman nodded. She carried on with the conversation she was having with Maleficent and Tremaine, making it known that we were dismissed. Phew, that was a close one.

After making our coffee orders, we sent out a mass text to the whole group of heroes. We let everyone know of our findings― of what really happened ―and how we could use it to our advantage. We told them of how we could go home. This was our ticket out of here and we weren't just about to miss it.

We would go back to our stories, live out our lives, and live happily ever after. We got everything we wanted. Everything. We were finally going to be happy once again. Plus, we might not have to worry about the villains, we could just leave them here in this world. In this miserable, rotten, unhappy little world that they threw us in.

Revenge is sweet and is best served cold. Like ice cream. Wait, could revenge be ice cream? I hope so. Gosh, I will miss ice cream. We don't have that in my story. I might just write that into the book. Just because. Hm, what else could I write in? Could that change the story? No, guess not.

But something kept nagging me a little. Why were the villains, well, villains? Why didn't they have a happily ever after? Everyone deserves one. Maybe not Tremaine, death happens to follow the man she is in love with. But why do we get to have all the fun, all the love, all the happiness?

Why are we the bad guys?

They must have been happy once. What happened? Tremaine once was happy in love but he died. Gaston loved Belle and was hurt when she denied him. What about everyone else? We had gone through the books and nothing gave way to any of it. There was nothing on it, on them. It was like they were just meant to be hated.

Suddenly, a ding sound dragged my attention to my phone. A bubble stating I was tagged in a photo online popped up. I opened the account and read it.

CatchinSumZs commented - @CindyT Check this out.

Who the heck was this? Catchin Sum Zs? I looked through their account and there was not much. A private account. Must be nothing but I still checked out the post. It happened to be on a woman. A fairy. A man stood behind her with a sword in his hands. My phone buzzed again.

Text from Amoura: Did you see what I tagged you in? I had a dream about that. Meet me up @ Mystic's.

I replied informing her that the café wasn't safe anymore. We would have to meet up at the library, somewhere quiet and that had privacy. She agreed and sent out a mass text for everyone to meet discreetly at the closest library.

We all ended up making fake social media account and kept close tabs on each other. We would secretly tag each other in our findings or use that as another form of communication.

I began looking through some things about other villains and found something on Gaston.

@BeingYaGuest: Read this.

She tagged me in something she found. BeingYaGuest commented: Guess who this is about.

In the photoset there stood a woman. In her hands, she held a dagger over a sleeping man. It was a Macbeth and Duncan moment. The poor man didn't even know what was to come. Soon, the dagger was in his chest and she walked away with ease. She remarried soon to a man who... looked just like my father. Tremaine lied when she said her husband had died from an illness. She killed him.

Then a sudden thought hit me. She could have killed my father too.

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