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- Ston Uws -

I watched and waited as Belle entered that monster's home. If he hurt her, I would for sure kill him. I would end him in a heartbeat. I will hang his head on a plaque above my fireplace. I will kill him for all time.

I waited and waited for Belle to leave his home. What if she stays with him. Stays for the night with him, Gaston. Then she would be no better than those three sisters. Shut up. Belle isn't like that. She's honorable, kind, and nothing like those girls. I leaned against her small yellow car. Belle was... Belle.

She would never hurt me like that. She loved me just as much as I loved her. She was the one girl in town that was smart, sophisticated, and sweet. Sure, she was a bit odd but she was perfect. We would have been happy together. Me, coming home from a hard day of work and her being there with a table full of delicious food. It was all so perfect.

But then that disgusting monster came and brainwashed her. He stole her from me and now lived out his fantasy of ripping her to shreds. Just the mere thought of him made my body burn with anger.

But she chose him over you. She chose him over me. She loved him, I could see it in her eyes. She loved him with all she had. She loved him more than she loved her silly books. That's what bothered me. She chose a monster than a man like me. It cut me deep. She cut me deep.

Just thinking of the moment where she chose him sent me to a dark place. A place much darker than death. I could feel her in me, feel the effect she had on me. I could feel... her changing?

My eyes shot up to the front door of the monster's house. A gust of wind shoved itself against me as a light shone through the tall windows of the castle. What is that? What was that?

As soon as it happened, something felt different. I felt different. What was this feeling? What were all these emotions? What was happening?

Suddenly, all I could feel was guilt. Guilt that I tried to hurt Belle; guilt that I almost destroyed her life. Pain. Pain was next. Pain that I lost. Pain that I was hurt, physically and emotionally. Fear followed. Fear that I had loosed her and fear of my death. All these emotions I haven't felt since the moment I died.

I heard a door open and close. I could see Belle's small frame walk through the dark towards me. I knew she was lost in thought until her eyes fell upon me.

"Belle." She stopped in her tracks. "We need to talk."

Fear was the first emotion I noticed in her eyes. She was scared of me? Why? I slowly took a step closer towards her; she quickly took a step back. I stood my ground as she placed distance between us.

"You're scared of me?" my voice came out hurt.

"You― You― You constantly harass me. Every single day of my life, Ston. Why wouldn't I be scared of you? Look at you, you're standing in the dark, waiting by my car. How did you know I would be here?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. What was I supposed to say? "I followed you here because I wanted to make sure you were safe?" No!

She waited for an answer. "I love you... or so I thought I did." I turned and took a few steps away from her.

"I know that you remember. I can feel it, too. I just don't care anymore, Belle. You're happy, I can see that. That was all I wanted for you. I'm sorry."

Shocked was the last thing I saw in her eyes as I turned and left her. Pain was all I could feel. I heard her take a step towards me but she stopped. I still loved her, but sometimes when you love someone, you have to let them go.

"I forgive you," she whispered thinking I didn't hear. Don't, Belle. I don't deserve it.

As I entered my empty home, silence surrounded me. I didn't even bother to turn the lights on. There was barely anything in this stupid little house. I didn't need to see my way around to know where I was going. I basked in the quiet darkness. Home is where Gaston is all alone.

I chuckled to myself. "Home is where Gaston is all alone."

"You don't have to be," the darkness spoke up.

Scared, I switched on the lights. The wind inside my lungs left. There, in front of me stood an older woman in an everyday gown. Her black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her blue eyes jumped out against the color of her dress. Her lips curled up into a tight smile.

"You grew up to look exactly like your father."


She outstretched her arms. "Come here, my son. Come hug your mother."

I didn't move. I couldn't move. My body was stuck in its place. I watched as her face quickly twisted into anger. No, not again.

I needed to change the subject. "How are you alive? You can't be alive, I watched as you die. You must be a ghost. A figment of my delusional mind. I'm going crazy, aren't I?"

"Just like your father, apparently," she mumbled. "I'm alive, my poor, sweet child. I died but I came back. I don't know how, but thank you. Now, come give me a hug."

I tried to move but I couldn't will myself to. She took notice and used this to her advantage.

"So, you don't want to give your dear, old mother a hug, now is that right? You hate your mother. You hate me for giving birth to you? You ungrateful, insolent child! You were never good for anything! You are exactly like your father, never doing a thing, never being a man. You are a shame to me. You are a disgraceful piece of garbage! I cannot believe I gave birth to you!"

She went on for what felt like hours. Her words cut me deep but her whip cut me deeper. Keep it together, Gaston. Don't show her weakness. Don't cry! Don't let her have this again. Stand up for yourself! I lifted my head and bore my eyes into her.

"You dare look me in the―" her words seized as my fingers wrapped around her neck.

I turned my ear to her. "What was that you were saying, mother? Dare to what?"

I lifted her off the ground oh so slightly to where she stood on her toes. "I am not that poor, helpless little boy you would once whip and abuse for your entertainment. I am no longer that stupid, mother-loving fool I was when I was little. I have had enough. I am done with you and I suggest you leave my home and never return or else you will never again return to this side of life again."

She smiled and nodded, leaving. "You still are not man enough, Gaston. Just like your father was. That is why you didn't get the girl."


► Even I soo didn't see that one coming. ◄

► Okay so, I might get some comment reading "Uh, hey. If you didn't know, Gaston is actually his last name, not his first name." and I am aware of that. I did some research before hand and took lots of time going back and watching the movies and other videos on them. I just took some creative freedom and made a little joke with his name since many people happen hate him so much. I just wanted to make that clear to anyone who is or will be reading this novel. ◄

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