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- Aoura -

Every day since that dream I had, that dream in class, everything felt off. Everything felt weird. I felt weird. Every night since, I have been dreaming of this shed. Inside there is a man holding a book. He told me he needed my help to set him free from it. He wanted to help me from Maleficent grasps but only if I helped him first.

Something inside of me wanted to go there. Something just kept dragging me back. I never knew how I would end up in front of the shed's door but it felt like something always possed me, dragging me there. It was a constant loophole that I didn't want to be a part of and something would always say "you do."

I wanted to feel the energy radiating from it. I wanted to hold it; to be in charge of it. I wanted to be the one writing in it. But I also knew to not get too close to it; to never touch it. It was like the forbidden fruit and I wanted a little taste of its sweet, intoxicating juices.

I couldn't help myself. Every night I would dream of writing in that book then living out my happily ever after with Philip. Everything was so easy and it seemed so right and so wrong at the same time. I could have my old life back; I could have my family back in just a simple sentence. It would be so easy.

But I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it for many reasons. I didn't know how to get in. I didn't know where it was. I didn't know if there would be consequences for my actions. I couldn't do anything but I was the only one who could write in it. Nothing would happen if it wasn't me. It didn't matter how strong they were, as long as they weren't me, nothing would happen.

That was where I came into Cindy's plan. I was the person set to write in the book and change the story. Everything depended on me. If something went wrong, then the whole plan went south. I was the group's one chance and if I messed up, I don't think we'll ever get another shot.

So that brings me up to now. Today we make our big move. We were going to go home. Cindy kind of had to stay out of the battle because Tremaine threw her down a large number of stairs but she was still in on the plan. She would pretty much be the eyes and ears of this top secret mission. Honestly, it was like we were playing a game of spies, it was fun and made things a whole lot easier.

So, before everything would go down, we would all gather at Adam's house and go over the plan and backup plan. We would make final checks and make sure, from Azel, that they wouldn't have a meeting today. I was told my part and what to write and hopefully, just like that, we were back to our lives.

Easy as that, right? Nope. Apparently, the school had enough funds to pay for a full, blown out staff of security guards. Yeah, didn't see that one coming. Bump number one in our plan. We waited for the coast to clear before making a run for the back of the next corner.

Around every corner, there happened to be some guard at the entrance and it didn't make our jobs a whole lot easier. At one point we needed help getting a guard to leave their post but sadly he didn't fall for the good ol' penny trick. Bump number two. Better hit up our golden girl. We sent out a text and right on cue, the beautiful raven-haired, green-eyed hottie came walking down the hall looking perplexed. Yas, Esse, yas! The security guard noticed her and gave her a holler. Just as she practiced, she got him to leave his post by simply stating she was new and didn't know the building and needed to find the detention room on the other side of the school.

This was great. Adam and Philip checked the area outside to make sure no guards were walking around before we booked it. Using a copy of the key Eugene had made before, the shed opened like magic to a beautiful, yet empty room.

"Honestly, I really thought it would open up to some ogre's place. Anyways," I announced before settling before the book.

It was beautiful. The book had this nice, soft glow to it that would fade in and out. The gold pages were scripted in this smooth black ink flowing freely from the gold feathered pen. It was wonderful. The magic was radiating off the book and kept pulling me in towards it.

I couldn't resist. I grabbed hold of the pen and it instantly stopped. Its magic coursed through me, merging with my beating heart. It felt like too much power yet not enough. I wanted all of its powers, every last drop.

"You can have it all, Aurora. You can be the most powerful being. I will give you my magic if you set me free. In fact, I will give you even more magic than ever. Just set me free and you get your wish."

Set it free, my mind kept saying. Without thinking, I turned to Adam and Philip and announced what was going through my mind.

"Call Cindy and the others, I have a better idea."

Everyone had agreed that the plan running through my head was a good one. It was like "an eye for an eye" kind of plan. I scribbled down my idea, signing my name at the end. The book began floating and twirling in all directions. A large gust of wind swirled into the room, ripping the pages from the binding, forming a funnel.

"No," someone said. "No! What have you done! You, stupid children, have ruined everything! Do you know what kind of creature you have just released? Go, run! Run before he kills all of you!"

Maleficent shoved us towards the door before it slammed shut in front of us. Hearing her gasp was the weirdest thing ever, she sounded almost scared. She shielded us from whatever was being freed from the book but it didn't work. I was dragged towards the pages and watched as they began to form into a man. His eyes were the first thing I noticed. They were two different colors and looked so familiar.


The papers from the book finally settled, some rested on the floor, others merged into the man. He twisted his body this way and that, listening to the cracking and popping of his joints. He smiled at the sounds. Standing to his full height, he looked at the person behind me and spoke.

"Hello, love. Miss me?"


► I now I'm really late to the game but did anyone listen to BTS's new song 'MIC Drop' that they released this past Friday? Love! They really dropped the mic and are taking over the world, I'm not mad though. I really want the chorus to be my senior quote but I don't think my school does that. ◄

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