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- Yasmine -

"Do you want to go on a magic carpet ride, Jasmine?" I looked at him in disbelief. "Come on, take my hand. I can show you the ins and outs of the city."

I took hold of his rough hands and he pulled me close. As soon I was on, the carpet zoomed off and into the sky. I held on close to Ali as we watched the city from above. I could feel him looking back and watching me but I couldn't really care; the sight before me was so amazing!

The soft glow of the city lights twinkled and sparkled in the distance. The distant, soft sounds of chatter and laughter floated through the air. I looked back at the palace that grew smaller with each second and watched as Rajah meow for me. Poor baby must have thought Prince Ali kidnapped me.

I tucked myself behind Ali as we approached a wall. I wanted to yell for him to avoid it but with grace, the carpet did itself. His head turned to the shoulder I perched upon. Soft, sweet words sang from his lips. Every word, I took close to my heart.

We continued to float and drift over the city. The carpet drastically grew in speed as it flew down and over the water. I looked back and watched as the drift forced ripples through the water top. Soon, we were again in the clouds and I was one with my soul. We bobbed and weaved through the fluffy, cotton candy air, laughing.

Soon after, as quick as our fast paced adventure had started, it was over. He slowed to a stop at my balcony and I slid down the carpet. We bid our farewells ad shared a small, innocent, lovers kiss. He watched as I slipped back into the palace and I watched him go off into the Arabian night. What a beautiful night!

"What a beautiful night it was, Jasmine." I slammed my locker shut and watched a blob of blonde hair move through the crowd of people in the hall. She was a mess and you couldn't deny it. Azel never wore sweatpants to school, but for the past few weeks, it had become her new favorite.

Put yourself in her shoes, Yasmine. Think back to what happened.

"I was with Eugene... from school. We were on a boat and had this little lantern with this familiar star symbol I keep drawing and, and then...and then my mom stabbed him."

Poor Azel. She didn't deserve to see that. She didn't deserve to have that happen to her, not by her mom. What kind of twisted nightmare ―or reality― was that? Her mom stabbing the boy she loved? That's just sick!

And the sickest part of it all was that she was so scared. Scared that it happened. Scared that it could happen. Scared that Eugene would get hurt because of her. She was so scared, that she avoided him entirely. She would wake up earlier ―admitting that she could sleep at all― to do her morning routine, and walk herself to school every morning since the slumber party.

"Yasmine!" Eugene's voice rang out through the halls. "I need you to tell me. You have to tell me! Is Azel ghosting me because she wants to break up with me?" His eyes drifted off to the side. "Has she already broken up with me?"

"Eugene, I can't tell you what it is―"

"She has broken up with me!" He fell to the ground. Wow, okay, chill.

I lowered myself to his level. "No, Eugene. She hasn't. She loves you so much. She's just― She's dealing with something and is scared you will get hurt. She thinks avoiding you is the best way to keep you safe. Trust me, I'm her best friend. She loves you, but none of us can tell you. Just let her do her thing and when she's ready, she will tell you. Okay?"

He nodded his head. "So, she wants a break?"

"Yes, and no." I looked back at the little green eyes watching us, giving her a weak smile. "You two are still together, but you two are taking a small break from your constant hanging out. So, that means no seeing, chatting up, or even flirting with other girls, you understand?"

He looked into my eyes. "No, because Azel is the only person, and frankly, the only girl I want to be with. Why can't you tell me what's wrong, Yas?"

I exhaled a deep breath, plopping down next to him. "Honestly, I don't think it is my place to tell you. This is something between you and Azel. Plus, I don't know how to tell you. All I will say is that it was this weird dream-reality thing. It has her really scared and she just needs time to settle back into things. Give her that; give her time."

He slowly pieced himself back together with each word. He watched as she disappeared into the chaos of the early morning and headed off to his class. Poor Eugene. Poor Azel. Poor both of them.

I slumped back down. Ugh, this constant reassurance is getting to me. The constant lack of happiness Azel brings to my life was getting to me. Lately, everything seemed less colorful and more greyer. I feel like I was dying. Azel made everyone so happy, and now that the darkest ideas were stabbed into her head, I just don't think we will ever get her back soon.

"Yasmine, is she still having nightmares?" I looked up to see Cindy and Bella. I nod my head and out of nowhere, my eyes watered up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Bella whispered.

I shook my head and place my eyes in my palms. "Azel should have never seen that. She shouldn't have gone through that. I don't think I can help. I'm― I just― I need her. I need her light, her laughter, her cheeriness. That stupid dream ripped that away from me and it stole her happiness away from her and Eugene." I still my tears. "I'm sorry, I must seem like a spoiled brat, crying over my losses instead of my friend's."

They soothed me as much as they could. They gave it their all and I couldn't ask for more. Right now, I just felt empty, alone almost. That was how I felt most of the day. I wanted to be alone to grieve over the death of Azel's happiness. To just immerse myself in the little pity party I was throwing myself.

"Is he okay?"

Closing my locker, I peered into Azel's eyes. Cold, hollow, fear. That was all I could see. The happiness, aspiration, and love were long gone. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and she knew it, so she moved away from me.

I wrapped my arms around me, not knowing what else to do. "Yeah, he'll be okay. He just thinks you want a little break from seeing him; still dating, but not hanging out as much. I didn't tell him about the dream, just told him about needing time and space. He misses you. I miss you. We all do, Azel, but we know you need time to process it. Call me, visit me, whatever you want, whenever you want. I don't care if it's at two in the morning. I just want to help you, I feel useless seeing you like this."

She nodded her head. "I will. I just― I do need time. I need to differentiate it all. It felt so real but a little part of me hopes it was all a nightmare." We stood in silence for a few moments. "Thank you for understanding. Thank you for talking to him. I love you, Yasmine." She gave me a quick hug and ran off before I could say or do anything else.

I love you too, Rapunzel.

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