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- Orchid -

A princess. Me? A princess? How could I be a princess? I was just... me? How was I a princess? My family wasn't royalty. We weren't descendants of emperors or empresses or anything remotely close to that. None of this makes sense. How was I a freaking princess?

But think about it. If you really are a princess, then that means you have brought honor to your family, isn't that right? I guess it did. But the question still remains: How am I a princess? It's not like there is a video or set of rules stating why and how I was a princess. There was none of that in this world, right?

What if there was? Maybe you should go and check, after all, there was that one book describing who you are. Maybe there is something on the internet about me. Typing my real name into the search engine, I found all sorts of stories and myths on me. There were articles on how I wasn't real, how I could have never existed, how I was actually a man disguised as a woman disguised as a man which, honestly, made no sense.

Then, there it was, a video labeling why I was the best children's movie princess. As I watched it, I came upon the points which listed traits of a princess. I wrote them down and looked through them as I continued to watch the video.

Princesses held one of three characteristics that enabled them to hold the position.

They were born royal. Nope, far from that.

They married royal. Lol, not married or of age to be. Plus Shang isn't royal either. I think.

Or they performed some heroic act. Saving my family wasn't really a heroic act; however, it was the right thing to do. Everything else, it all happened to be extra.

But apparently, saving China from the Huns qualified as an act of heroism. I went from wanting to get married and bringing honor to my family to shaming them slightly before saving my home. Plus, I ended up falling in love, which never happened to be a real priority of mine. Yet, I still have no clue as to how I fit in as a princess.

Maybe you have no clue because here you are, in the gymnasium trying out for the weightlifting team. Hey, the only reason I am trying out for the team happens to be for the fight... so, yeah. I want to get back to my home, to get my best friend back, and to save my people. Did I have people? Not really. Oh well, they are my people now. I saved them once, I can save them again.

So, you aren't doing this to gain a little someone's attention? Someone who's name rhymes with Jee Hang? Cause Orch or Mulan, jeez are you hung up on this guy. You're joke sucked. Everybody happens to be a critic, now don't they? Naw, I just think crickets are funnier than you. Cause you aren't funny. Says the one avoiding the question. Who says I was avoiding? I was waiting for the right time.
"Fa, you're up next!"

Oh, shoot! With all this inner arguing I completely forgot to stretch. Oh, well, no pain, no gain, right? I walked over and stood on the scale. Let's hope you don't get dropped kicked in the snow this time. Not helping. Plus, if I do, well, we already know what I am capable of.

"What's your first name, Fa?" I looked up at the tall man in front of me. My first name, shoot.

"Oren," someone whispered.

I deepened my voice and announced, "It's Oren, sir."

The man nodded his head and pointed to the weights bar. I took my position and lifted it up with ease. Ha, that wasn't so bad.

His voice cut into my gloating. "With weights, please."

Oh, yeah. I placed some weights on each side and heaved it up with all my might. Eventually, I held it up in the correct position and did what I needed to do. Placing it down happened to be the easiest part. As I walked back to my position, I brushed passes a large, well built body.

"Nice job, Oren," they whispered down to me.

I looked up and scanned the face. A pair of blue eyes stood out against the brown, curly locks of hair. One eye closed for a second as the other looked directly at me. Ulesi. I watched as he placed more weights on the bar and lifted it with one hand. He placed the bar back onto the ground and trotted over to where I stood.

"Nice job, showoff." He simply shrugged and rubbed the back of his head.

"I guess being the son of the god of the gods had its perks. Oh, Shang is coming this way. I'm gonna go." He took off and once again, I stood alone. But not for long.

"Can we talk..." his voice trailed off for a moment, "Mulan."

I turned around and drowned deep in his slanted brown eyes. His cheeks broke apart his face in angles sharper than a diamond could cut. Is long hair was slicked back into his little samurai bun. Gosh, how much would I have to give up in order to just run my hands through his hair? Would he let me braid it? I hope so. I watched as his rosey lip pouted slightly as he waited for my answer.

"Yeah," my voice came out dreamily. Why wouldn't it, just look at him! He was like Daniel Henney with like longer hair and more chiseled cheeks. And a shirt. Do his abs look the same as before or do they look hotter?

"Mulan, my eyes are up here." He paused. "Like they've always been. Now, I don't remember you being this unfocused."

I gave him a playful punch. "Sorry, I was just ogling over the man I love. Is that a crime?"

He moved closer. "In my books," he shook his head side to side and shrugged. Gosh, I missed him. "Meet me at the coffee shop after practice. I wanna share something with you."

"Break it up, you two!" the coach yelled.

I nodded in confirmation and we backed away from each other. I could see his longing to hold me in his arms; I could feel how long he had waited for that moment and we still had yet to have it. But, sadly, now was not the time. We still had to wait for our time and soon it would come. I just hoped we would kiss. I just needed that one little thing, giving us all of our memories and all will be right. Just that one little thing.


► Aw, how cute! And sad. Who else has heard of or watched a SuperCarlinBrothers video? Totally recommend checking them out if you love anything Disney, Pixar, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. I'll link their video of Mulan down below. ◄

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