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- Cindy -

Mmm, it feels so good to be evil. All this power coursing through my veins, it feels so exhilarating. If I had known what it was like to be evil I would have chosen to be on this side a long time ago. God, I feel like a new woman! Life is good being evil.

Well, now it's time to get back to work. With a flick of my wrist, the vacuum sucked at the carpet, the sponge began cleaning the dishes, and the mice in the house robotically scrubbed the floor and dusted the china. Life is good. Exhausted with all the work I have just done, I decided to lean back and relax.

Just as I had gotten all nice and comfy with my grilled cheese, Henry came strolling in, stealing my sandwich and taking a large bite of it. He smiled down at me before his warm body snuggled into me as he lifted the other half of the sandwich to my lips. I quickly bit into it knowing he would pull it away from me.

"Aw, look at the two of you doing cute, couple things! It's so gross," Bella joked from the doorway.

"Says who? Anyone of importance?" I questioned before letting her in.

She brushed it off. "Oh, no. The most important person in this world said so, I just simply agreed with her. She's a very smart woman, you know."

Making my way to the kitchen, I made her a snack and placed it in front of her. "Did you hear what Esse did?"

She smiled. "Who hasn't? It's the talk of the town! Apparently, the alley still smells like perverted old men and flesh. I stopped by a while after they took the body away and, Cin, she really did a number on that creep. It was amazing! Here, I have pics."

She scrolled through the pictures with the most happiest face on Earth. Esse really did do a number, chaining him to the ground, keeping him in place as he burned. He ended up looking like a burned pork shoulder. But less yummy and porky.

It was hard to not admire the work done; it was beautiful. The burn marks on the ground where his body was torched made a beautiful circle, the chain melted a bit, and the body was unrecognizable. He was practically ashes.

"You know what they say about men who think of women inappropriately? The devil burns them alive."

We sat there laughing at our own jokes. Ah, I never knew that making jokes about the dead were this fun; they are a ringer! Ha!

Somehow, being evil also means swimming around happily in the pain of your enemy. That pretty much leads us to enjoy the other's' work when they kill the now turned goodie on their murder list. Also, it gives us the power to constantly know where our enemy is hiding. If they were trying to die, well, they were on their way to it. What do they think we are? Good people? No, we were killers. They were sitting duck in that school building. Just because it had many room and places to hide didn't mean we wouldn't hunt them down and do whatever our little hearts desired to do.

And that was what I planning on. Tremaine had nowhere to go except to... well, H-E-double-hockey-stick. The sharp clicking of my heels on the tile brought joy to me. I was nearing her location, I could feel it. She never bothered to look up as I walked into the room.

"Gothel, go away. I'm busy, you old hag." She carried on with the papers in front of her.

"Oh, honey, if only I was the person you thought I was." Her head snapped up. She dropped her pen and reached over for the phone on her desk but it fell from her grasps with a movement of my finger. Whoops.

Shuffling through her cluttered, unorganized drawers looking for something she could use against me. It was really pathetic but I had to give her mad props. She was trying, something the old me would have never done. Grabbing a fist full of her brittle hair, I dragged her down the hall and into the staff elevator. Her cries wouldn't be heard for any longer now. Taking to the stairs, I forced her to stand.

"Do you know what I am going to do?" She made a whining sound. "I am going to shove you down all these stairs and you, my dear, dreadful, step-mother, are going to die from it. Don't worry, I'll try to make it quick for you but pleasurable for me. Down you go. Also, I wouldn't scream, no one is here to hear you right now. How unfortunate for you, the big, bad Lady Tremaine is all alone to die."

Just as she had relaxed a bit, I pushed her down. As she stopped from hitting a wall, I poofed myself over and continued to keep shoving her down all the flights of steps. With each step coming in contact with her body, the satisfying crunch of her bones brought life and joy into me. When she reach the last flight, I noticed her body wasn't moving and that a pool of blood began to form. I waited a few minutes incase she wasn't really dead but it seemed that she was.

As I walked away, I could feel the energy draining from her and begin to fill me. It was rejuvenating; the feeling of taking a life was blood pumping delicious.

I could really get used to this. And I might just keep going. 

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