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- Author -

Well, hi. You might be wondering why I have a chapter in the book and the answer is simple. I have no literal clue. The last thing I remember writing was:

"With her small hand on my shoulder, she threw me to the other side of the room. My body slumped to the ground as her laughter rang out through the shed. My eyes felt heavy and dots filled my vision.

I fell deep into the darkness but not before she clipped my wings."

Then thinking, "Well, that sounds good enough. Time for bed. Or Tumblr... Priorities, which do I chose? Sleep. Go to sleep. Got sleep you little poop head. Wow, I am so mature. I know right, so ma-ture. You're a big kid now! Yeah, I really should go to sleep. I'm starting to lose it. Off to the bedy-bye! You really need to use the sleep. Says the one who stayed up late to boot-leg the latest Transformers movie. I'm sorry, are you complaining? No, Bumblebee was hot, no denying that. So we gonna go to bed or...?"

Yeah, so um, I happen to talk to myself, that may explain as to why the italicized parts say "you". No, I don't have dissociative personality disorder; I'm just that lonely because I'm not allowed outside. Long story no one cares about. I'm aware.

So, any events that happened to take place in between writing that chapter and waking up here happen to be at a loss for me. I remember climbing into bed and falling asleep then waking up here, in the middle of a park. It's pretty weird. It's all sunshine and rainbows here and I don't like it, I don't like it at all. Plus I happen to stick out like a sore thumb wearing my PJ's in the middle of the park.

Waltzing over to some department store, I grabbed a backpack and some clothes after much struggle trying to find anything that could remotely be in my size before I headed over to the fitting room to change. Even the fashion industry in books aren't kind to the plus size people. Stuffing my PJ's into the backpack and ripping off the tags from anything I wore, I discreetly walked over to the other exit and left. Hm, can't believe I actually got away with that. These people are so clueless and up in the clouds. What are they taking, I want some.They are taking this new drug called Outtazeloop, we happen to take it all the time.

Also, I DO NOT SUPPORT STEALING THINGS FROM ANYONE, THING, OR PLACE. I just needed clothes and I can get away with it since, well, these people are just plain dumb and happen to be in a story.

So, since that's out of the way, I headed over to the school for the "big reveal" but I was too late. The first person I happened to run into was the great god himself, Hadies. Yeah, he happens to look weird with dark hair and modern clothes.

"Hadies, nice to see ya! Really missing the fiery, blue hair and black toga. You downgraded, homie."

When he saw me, he happened to look confused. Before he said anything, I cut him off, telling him everything and how things would go down as I stuttered and fell over my words. Great job, he'll soo believe you when you are barely speaking English. It isn't my fault I developed a lisp out of nowhere and the fact that words and letters get mixed up in my head.

He pinched his nose. "So, let me get this straight. You are the author of this so-called book, and it so happens, I am one of the characters in this book you are writing, and now you are stuck here?"

I nod my head before noticing his eyes were still closed. "Yup."

"I'm starting to lose my mind," he mumbled.

"So I heard. So, where is the rest of the gang?"

He shrugged. And I am the useless one?

"Oh, also, when I woke up, my laptop, the magical being I used to write this lovely story, wasn't magically transported here with me to Fairytale Land. So, no laptop means no writing to change the story. Sorry, homeboy."

After that, I followed him back to Gothel's place and here we are! My chapter. Currently, I'm sitting in someone's classroom and trying to think of something to write up. Hadies is back there still oogling over the fact that I saved my work to my G-Drive. Having a Chromebook does have its perks. Now, think of something!

Gothel. Something about Gothel. Just on cue, she came walking in. Well, running in.

"Hadies! Hadies, you have to help me. I'm growing old, Hadies!"

He sauntered over, glancing at her. "Oh, honey, aging is normal for you humans."

She grabbed his shoulders and shook the life out of him. "I'm not supposed to age this quickly!" she screamed at him.

Ooh, something just hit me. At the end of the chapter, you don't have to write and ask what the readers think. It's not like they even care or reply. Shade... Did you even use that in the right context? Probs not.

I watched as the couple freaked out together.

Emmet is right, they are a cute couple. You do know that I did make Emmet up, right? He's fictional. And has nice eyes. I want his eyes, but like Amber and black. Okay, back to the story.

I hopped back into the chair and began typing away. "Screaming in fear, Gothel rushed room to room in search of her god in a new Calvin Klein suit. He dismissed the rapid aging of her skin, basking in her misery and misfortune. He secretly thought she brought it upon herself, using a young girl to her advantage after kidnapping her, whereas she trusted him to help her. He was the only one who could save her... or so she assumes."

"You make it sound like I actually have feelings for him," she scoffed.

I turned my face to her. "By now, you would have thrown about five different insults at him."

She scoffed. Again.

"Well, if you want me to change it, I will, but you may not like it."

I faced the screen before anyone could say another word. "Fear still ran through her and all she could think about was how she would spend the last of her time. A little voice inside her mind told her to kiss him but little did she know, it wasn't just in her head. Hadies self-conscious desired to kiss her back, in fear that he may lose the closest thing he ever had to love. So, nearing her last dying breath, she kissed him."

"No! You, you stay away from me!" She backed away in protest.

"I can't! I wish I could, but I can't. She typed it out already and now we have to kiss unless she decides not to."

I yelled at the two to shut up and continued. "As their lips touched, life filled Gothel. Hadies kiss had sealed her fate. She would breathe another day only if he did so. Her heart would beat as long as his godly one did as well. They were one; a whole. But only for the moment. As they returned to their stories, the two would part, sharing one last, sweet kiss. As the words of their goodbyes are uttered and they enter their homes, the memories of the other were forgotten. Their love was doomed, either way, not even the writer could change that. It was a tragic love story, maybe even far worse than the iconic, two star-crossed lovers."

"We... aren't meant to be?" Gothel sounded heartbroken. Empty. I hated this but it had to be for the best.

"No," my voice was soft and filled with guilt. "Not after this. When everything is over, you two are over. Make the most of your time together. Don't die, don't get hurt, just take care of each other. I'm sorry it has to be this way but I have to limit my powers. If I don't, it could mean changing all the fairy tales in one single sentence. That would mean no Azel, no Meg, no good. They would be lost, because in these stories, there must be a good and a bad. It's either you or them. I'm sorry. It has to be this way."

Hadies placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay. As long as we have our happy ending for a second, it is all enough. Hey, maybe one day, we do this whole shebang again."

I laughed at the joke. But, I couldn't let that happen either. If something different happens from what has already occured, then there is no saying what could appear. They could just as well erase themselves from existence.

And if they go, I go. It was the price I have to pay for creating this world. It was bound to happen, but I can avert it from doing so.

This was my mission impossible. 

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