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Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse. Here I am, useless, again. Writing this book was the only good thing I had and now that I don't have that power, what was I going to do? If I couldn't write, then I couldn't live. I am completely useless!

If only there was a way to find out what was wrong or what happened. Um, hello, there is! Rhymes with Tate. Bate? I internally sighed at that response. Hint, they happen to be be very similar to characters in Macbeth. I still have no clue. You are an idiot; the three Fates! Oh, yeah! I forgot about them. I wonder what happened to them?

Getting up from my usual spot, I traveled the halls of the school to find any of the sisters. Like usual, if you found one, you found all. As soon as I entered the room, their conversation came to a hault.

"We have been expecting you," they said together. Honestly, it kinda gave me some weird psychic vibe. Like when TV characters go and visit one for fun and the psychic sits there with their glass orb.

"So you already know what I'm going to say or try to say. Where is my laptop and why don't I have my powers?"

They look at me, then at each other, then back at me. "Amoura has your laptop."

"That is all we know."

"We know nothing about your powers. Please, explain."

I let them in on what was going on. Apparently, everyone hasn't told them of the events going on and they were left outside the loop. Welcome to my world. Once they were on the train with the rest of us, they let me know a few more details that I should have known.

"So, you're saying, Amoura has Maleficent and Lapy-top and is somehow using them?" They nodded. "But how? They don't know the password to my laptop or where my story is located."

"She does not need the book or the device. She needs magic and Amoura happens to have an endless supply of that thanks to Emmet. You are the only one who can restore balance to the world. You must hurry before there may not be a world to save. When all of us perish, then so does this world."

Wow, okay. Jeez. Way to not make this sound like some kid's anime where a ten-year-old boy has to master all four elements in like three seasons. Yeah, but like I got a few days to save the world. This is a lot of stress.

Okay, so first we gotta gather the troops. Rallying everyone from their classrooms ―well, whoever was left― we decided to come up with a plan. I'll be honest, I am not good with plans or even coming up with them. I have no freaking idea what we were doing or what we were getting ourselves into. Hopefully, no one dies. Well, no one that actually matters.

As we all stood together at the table, we thought of logical places they might hide out at. Amoura's home, Bella's home, Tremaine house, or Beast's castle seemed like logical places to check. We had four places to choose from and something kept telling me Amoura's house was the best.

"So, what's the plan, boss?" Hadies asked.

I tapped my fingers on the table a few times. "I have no freaking clue. I'll get back to you on that."

Shang Yu opened his mouth. "Why don't we just storm in and―"

"Okay, McGarret, hold your horses. That isn't even a plan," I stated. "We are not running in there like some idiotic Huns. We are up against Mulan here. You remember Mulan? The girl who kicked your ugly butt with a fan? Her. Yeah, we have to beat her."

He huffed like a child. "I can beat her."

Why didn't I kill this guy off? "Yeah, you did so well the first two times."

He tried to keep going. "What is that saying? Third time is luck?"

"A: That's wrong. And two: you can't win against her. I'm done having this conversation with you"

"That is because you are a woman." He did not just go there.

He did. "Look here, honey bunches of dolt, I can erase you from existence right here, right now. So, if your sexist, stupid mouth wants to keep going, I can keep on writing it down in the book. Unless you have something useful to say, I suggest you zip it or else I book it."

He lowered his head in silence. Hm, I can't believe that worked. Me neither.

Finally coming up with a somewhat good enough plan in the middle of the night, we decided to go to bed for some sleep. In the morning, we would take action and march into Amoura's home. Till then, bye!

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