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Hi, again. So it seems that many of the characters don't feel like telling you what they are up to or anything like that. So here I am!

Well, I might as well tell you what is going on with everyone since the protagonists you all love so much are too busy trying to find the antagonists, and the antagonists are too busy hiding from the protagonist. I used those really big words because I don't know who is on which side anymore. So, here is a quick, little English/Literature lesson for you, protagonist happen to be the leading character(s) of the story― the good guys of the story; whereas, antagonist happen to be the force(s) or people working against the protagonist― the bad guys. Remember, pro- means good, con- mean bad but that may not always be the case.

Anyways, currently, Esse or Esmeralda is hunting down Frollo who, in my opinion, if he was to play hide-n-seek, would lose badly. Facilier is down in, well H-E-double-hockey-stick, trying to bargain his way out. That's not working. And lastly, Everyone else is either yelling at or pleading with me to save their "important" lives. Honestly, Ursula is about to be the first to go, threatening to kill me with Triton staff but might just get impaled by another boat. I mean, who gets taken out by a small, little boat?

So, right now, I just kinda want to kill off some characters because I chose the challenge. I also happened to read "If you have nothing else, just kill off some characters" on a PowerPoint somewhere. I'm not running out of ideas, I just feel like killing people, might as well indulge in my dark side while I can, because when writing, you can't get caught for murder. Wait, is it still considered murder if you are the writer and they happen to be characters of the writing piece? No. Okay, anyways, back to what I was talking about earlier. Everyone knows that I'm going to kill some characters off, but, hey, why not keep the pressure going? So, that now brings me to my next topic. I have to kill someone and it is going to be someone who doesn't really matter.

"Walking through the halls of the empty building after school, a draft floated over his skin, causing the anxiety to course through his veins at a faster rate. He pushed and stopped at every bin to empty out its contents, replacing the bag with another. As he walked away, the sound of a locker banging open frightened him. His whole being was on edge, just waiting for the moment he would have to face his end. His partner in crime was dragged off literally by the devil himself. Who was to say he wasn't next?"

"Ooh, keep going. I like this," Hadies commented.

"Making his way down the hall, walking fast, lockers passed, and he was time bound. He was stuck in that dreaded building for another hour, marking him as easy prey. But little did he know, he was safe. For now. The ones to have their revenge were having their fun, basking in the fear and misery that their victim was consumed by. Once safe in his home, they would make their move. They would take their time. First turning him into a little frog, then, as most children do in their biology class, they would perform their experiment and observe their little mucus covered friend. Once satisfied, they would feed his soul to their admiring guest from the other side of life. Just like that, the little, round man known as Lawrence was gone from this realm and from the other one as well."

"Yeah, yeah, he's dead. It's not like he mattered. Who's next?" the most annoying voice cut into my thoughts.

Looking deep into her blue eyes, I replied, "You'll see."

Turning my attention to the borrowed laptop in front of me I typed one simple sentence. "Next on the hit list, Ursula; she was getting annoying and I have decided she dies, getting impaled with a pencil after her ugly high heels break."

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