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Jafar is dead! Jafar is dead! Everybody, oh, everybody Jafar is dead. Now do your happy dance, yeah!

Okay, smooth out your clothes. Act like a big kid. And try to be normal.

Ahem, you, as you might have guessed, Jafar is dead. Good riddance. Personally, I never liked him. He was always annoying and kinda creepy. Kinda? Really? Is that even a good word to describe that, my inner demon spoke.

Rolling my eyes, I tried to ignore her. Well, if you happen to remember, I sometimes― Often ―talk to myself. So, to clear up any confusion, she happens to be in italics. Cause I'm fan-cy like that! Now, who needs to act like an adult? I thought you were "trying" to ignore me? I still am.

Anyways, Jafar is d-e-a-d and all is well. THE END.

Just kidding! I would love to end the book here but no, not happening. I'm still stuck in this clueless, poopy world and I am starting to lose my poop. Your "poop" ??? The other, big kid word for poop. Trying to keep it age appropriate. And did you really use the question mark like it was a word? Yes, cause I am able to. ??? No, stop, you can't do that because it just doesn't work for you. You has the face to make question face, I don't. We are the same person! We make the same face! Next paragraph! Fine.

So, with Jafar's death, all the antagonist from your beloved princess movies are mourning for his death. He was a large part of their life, just like he was a large part of this book. He will forever be missed.... NOT! I never liked him! No one did. I should have killed him off earlier. Pull a page from Macbeth or Hamlet. Might be the entire Macbeth book though. True.

That brings me to now. Honestly, I'm that loner kid who's sitting alone at the party while everyone is getting... Lit? Yeah, sure. Lit. Isn't it cute that we finish each other's― Sandwiches! No! No!, You are not allowed to finish my sandwich! It is my sandwich. I'm sorry, I know we are the same delusional person, but our relationship does not stretch that far. It is my precious, even if I have to kill you for it. Ring, ring, Homegirl. If I die, you die. So, neither of us get it. Ha!

Okay, so, everyone is throwing a party in honor of Yasmine, also known as Jasmine, for killing Jafar. No one liked that arrogant, pervert and they are glad that I thought of killing him. Which I didn't do. She thought of it and did it; I just sat here and ate some sour cream and onion chips. Hashtag: Living the best life! Shut up.

While everyone is going about the party, something started bugging me. How is the story still running without me writing it? I never wrote her part. I never wrote it in for her to kill. I never even got to writing Cindy's part. So who is? Someone else had to. Who else could it be?

Last I checked, Emmet was dead so he was out of the picture. None of the other characters could write on my laptop, so they were out. And, plus, they didn't know the password to my laptop or G-Drive, so they really couldn't get in. And that really narrowed down the list to... Noone. This story couldn't be writing itself, could it? Someone needs to be writing it, there was always someone writing a book out there.

I put the thought on hold when Ana and Zella came flopping down next to me. Zella looked like she was going to pass out any given moment while Ana handed me a cup of something. I passed really hard on her offer and watched as she took a large gulp of it. She shook her head and continued to watch me type.

Look away. Look away. Why isn't she looking away?

She opened her mouth and said something but I really couldn't understand any of it. "Did you find my husband? He's a bank― a baker, ya know? Gosh, I love my hus― husband! He's the most wonderful― wow, I'm a little, wooh! One time, I got a little, you know, and then I totaled my mom's car and blamed it on Zella. My husband― tried to help me out of my dress once and, it was cute."

Welp, she is drunk. I didn't give her any more attention and kinda shook her off to find somewhere quiet to work. "Suddenly, all the villains grew tired and thought to end their night of fun. Heading off to a bed or couch, they snoozed the rest of the time till it was sunny enough to start sketching a plan."

I waited a few minutes. Nothing happened. "At this exact moment, the villains who were turned good decided it was time to sleep. From their sudden need to sleep, they all climbed into some sort of bed and slept till morning."

Again, nothing happened. Uh-oh. What the heck! This― This wasn't normal! What is going on? Was I losing my touch? Was―

Was I becoming part of this world?

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