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- Amoura -

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Lawrence, dead. Ursula, dead. Facilier, dead. Maybe. Frollo, dead dead. Tremaine, dead. Each and every single one of them gone, just like that. But as everyone might have guessed, they aren't the only ones to die.

Ulesi and Megan happen to be gathering all the gods and goddesses to wage an all-out war on Hadies, which in my opinion, isn't a war since he has no one on his side. Bella doesn't even have to worry about what's-his-face. Jafar is going to die. And Gothel, I still have no clue on; Azel and Eugene are still debating that.

What about the big, once bad, queen Maleficent? Oh, don't worry, I have something special planned for her. She happens to have taken residence here in my home; locked away in my basement, hanging from her wings while her little friends haven't even noticed her absence and aren't even looking for her. How sad? It's too bad that she doesn't have her little wand to bibbidi-bobbidi-boo her way out.

Oh, and for anyone who adored Emmet, he's still here. Still dead. And still doesn't matter. It turns out that now that he isn't in his book form, he's even more useless. None of us can write in him...? Or would it be on him? Whatever, either way, it results in this world being ours because we happen to be freaking stuck here. After some time and anger, we all decided to get rid of him but anytime we try to burn or dismember him, he happened to come out fine and in one piece. It was like he was indestructible, even though he's dead. We were being screwed over by a dead man. Talk about a dead man making a grave error.

Well, whenever we come up with some other way to get rid of him, I'll bring us back to that topic. For now, let's go and visit my dear ol' friend, Maleficent. Listening to the soft tapping of my heels on the stairs, Maleficent rattled and fought against the restraints. Poor thing, she knew what was to come. Standing in front of her, I said nothing. The wicked smile on my lips told her exactly what was going to happen.

She groaned in pain, pleading with me all she could. I lifted up a serrated knife, examining it as she fought harder against the chains and clamps. The rattling of metal on metal made my blood rush with anticipation and glee. Dragging the inevitable on, I took my time choosing which item I should use first.

"I think I'll use this one first," I announced still entranced by the small, three-inch blade.

It glittered so heavenly in the dim lighting. Shining brighter than a diamond. Glistening gorgeously.

Taking small, slow steps to the fallen, once evil queen, I circled her. The smell of fear drifted up from her skin and into my nostrils, giving me a high. It was delicious. It was exciting. Dragging the blade delicately across her skin, making sure to not cut into it, I did a final circle around her before stopping abruptly behind her.

"Where is your Fairy Godmother now? Are you still praying to her after she abandoned you the first time?"

She tried to keep the tears from falling; trying to hide the fear. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Did she not know I lived for fear, I ran on it? I instilled fear into other, unlike her. I was the true evil queen and she, well, she just happened to be the one to bring out the darkness stirring inside me.

With one swift jab into her back, she screamed a sound so pleasurable to my ears. Laughing at her misery, I stuck the small blade into her back again... and again... and again. The screams filling my cold heart with warmth, bringing it back to life.

With the final stab, I twisted the instrument before speaking. "And that, darling, Maleficent, is what I call a backstab."

Wandering over to where the other tools laid, I carelessly chose another. Before I dug into her, I took a quick look at it. Ah, my favorite, the five-inch, rainbow knife. I gave her the best joke I had in me before listening to the piercing scream that my wounds elicit from her. Shivers ran through me. It was enticing to listen to her sounds. No other sound could beat anything this perfect.

Just for fun, I lightly grazed her wings with the blade. Whimpers, scream and pleads filled the air around me. I snuggled in the comfort of her screams; slashing when she whined; stabbing when she pleaded. She never learned the pattern.

When I had my fun and everything became work, I ended her misery. Placing the tools away in their place, I headed back up to the normal world. Bathing one last time in her screams, I slammed the door shut, locking her away till the next day of fun. 

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