- FOUR -

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- Megan -

 Ugh, what a day! First, I have to put up with that creep of a mythology teacher at school, then I have to put up with Wonder-bread following me to work. The poor, love-sick fool almost got me fired from my job. A girl's gotta make a living; money won't just fall from the sky.

Oh, but I can't be mad at him. I was once in his shoe; hopelessly in love with some two-timing jerk. A jerk who fell in love and ran off with my best friend. But Ulesi wasn't like that. Or so I think.

When I first showed up to Farris Taile High, he was the first guy that caught my eye. I'm not saying that there were others, but he was the first in a while. I never thought of anyone since... him. It'd been way too long since I thought of the L-word.

But Ulesi was different. He focused on me like no one else did. He tried so hard, no matter how many times I turned him down. I gotta give it to him, the boy was persistent. Took "No" as "Try harder" and "Screw off, ya big corpse" as "Almost there."

But you still find him cute. Ugh, there was no denying that. How could I? With his small town attitude and clear blue eyes. Oh, and how good he looked in a muscle tee. He was the perfect boy: nice, sweet, handsome with a cute butt. He was everything I wanted. And everything I could never have.

Megan. Poor, heart-broken, and just plain, old, broken Megan. I wasn't good for anyone, I could only cause trouble. A funny enough, trouble is my middle name. Megan Ail Amzel. Great name, mom and dad, this is all your fault. I became too much for them that one day, even they left me. It was too much to care for me. I was always too much to love and care for that I grew used to not being so... loved. I was a loner; always have, always will be. It was how my life was meant to be.

Ulesi doesn't deserve you, Megan. And just like that, the darkest thoughts came back. He'll only leave you. Why wouldn't he? You drove the last guy away; you'll only do the same with this poor sucker. You aren't worth his time or happiness. You'll just cause him pain and problems. He doesn't need you or your baggage. Leave him alone, he's too good for you.

He was too good for me and that's what I wanted. I wanted a taste of the forbidden fruit. I wanted to feel what that sliver of happiness felt like. I wanted just a small, little glimpse of it before it all faded. I just wanted the world to stop being so against me for one second and let me be happy for once.

But that would never happen. I was cursed with troubles. I was never going to make anyone happy. I never will. Wonder-bread doesn't deserve to have his life destroyed because of me. He was one of the good ones, nothing bad should ever happen to him. That was why I was so hard on him, why I don't want him to try so hard to make me fall in love with him. But I was already was. I just would never tell him I was. Because, one day, I would somehow find a way to hurt him. That was something I never wanted to do.

So, for now, I had to be a cold-hearted chick who didn't care for anyone but herself. It would just have to be me, myself and I. I was a big girl, I could tie my own shoes. Why couldn't I live a little more without someone loving me?

Because it hurts, Meg.

And it did hurt. It hurt to be abandoned, not once, but many times. It hurt that so many people I trusted would just toss me out like I was trash. Like I was nothing to them. I was just a kid when it all began. All I wanted was to be loved and all I am now is cold.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. I should have known better than to want love. Than to crave it. I knew I would just end up hurt. Time after time, it would happen. Time after time, I would hurt others. Time after time, I―

My face collided with someone's hard chest. "Watch it, ya big lug." My eyes traveled up from his hard, toned chest to his blue eyes and thick, curly brown hair. Oh, no, not him.

"Megan, it's so nice to see you. How are you? Are you okay?"

I walked away. I am not dealing with this. I can't deal with him.

"Wait, I- I just―"

"Save it, Wonder-bread. I've had enough of this. When I say 'no', I mean 'No'! I don't want to study with you, I don't want to catch a movie with you, and I don't want to go on a date with you. All I want from you is to just leave me alone!"

He stood there. Quite, shocked. But the biggest thing that stuck out to me was hurt. I hurt him. I hurt Ulesi.

"I'm sorry, Megan." He turned and left.

I called after him, trying to apologize but the damage was done.

You just hurt the one guy who actually cared. I just hurt the one guy I cared for. What was wrong with me?

"I'm sorry," I whispered to no one. "I'm sorry..." 


► Poor Wonder-bread. I wonder how he's feeling. ◄ 

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